The 2025 ASA convention is coming soon! Click here to register now. Click here for the schedule.
NEW!: The list of plants for sale at the convention is now available. Click here to download the list.
The 2025 Seed Exchange is ready. Click here to order. We have seed collected in 2023 as well as 2024.
Some of our Interests
With our new website, we have added the ability to search for cultivars in our new online database. This resource will be constantly added to and refined, especially adding descriptions, key parameters for searching, and photographs, all integrated in one place. Check this out by clicking here!
Also new is our Legacy Project, featuring many hybridizers and their azaleas. Many of these azaleas have not been introduced into the commercial market, and are only available through local azalea society chapter plant sales. Each hybrid group has an overview page containing information about the hybridizer, and often also has a presentation and various artifacts about the hybridizer and the hybrid group. The Legacy Project is constantly growing. Let us know if you are able to help out in any aspect of the project. Refer to the Legacy Project Overview page for more details.
There are pictures of thousands of azaleas, both evergreen and deciduous, at the Azalea Society picture website. To see pictures of azaleas by name use its search box or browse the alphabetic galleries.
The Azalea Society offers membership to anyone with an interest in azaleas, from home gardeners, collectors and students to plant professionals. Local chapters have social activities, garden tours, meetings and plant sales of unusual varieties. National conventions have garden tours, talks by well-known azalea authorities, plant sales, and the opportunities to make and renew friendships. The Azalean, our quarterly journal, has timely informative articles about azalea culture, hybridizing, propagation, garden design, new introductions and chapter activities.
This Azalea Society website is the source of information about azaleas.