Ask Us About Azaleas

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 Quick Answer

We’re here to help you learn more about azaleas. The quickest way to get an answer to your azaleas-related question is to click FAQ (frequently asked questions) to see if your question has already been answered there. Some of the more frequent questions we get are along the lines of:
• I got a potted azalea for my (birthday/Mother’s Day/Valentine’s Day, etc.), and can I (keep it indoors/plant it outdoors/make it bloom again, etc.)? —see FAQ #5
• When can I prune my azaleas? —see FAQ #14
• Why are the leaves falling off my azalea? —see FAQ #32
• Why doesn’t my azalea bloom? —see FAQ #33
Another quick way is to use the search box, using some key words of your question, such as “transplant” for links to general information about transplanting azaleas.

 E-mail Questions

If you didn’t find a quick answer on our website, you can e-mail your question to our azalea e-mail discussion group.
All the subscribers to the azalea e-mail group will see your e-mail and some may reply to it. They have a wide range of experience, from beginner to expert, so you can expect answers regardless of its degree of difficulty. They also garden all over the world, so you might get answers that work for your location—if you remember to tell us where you live.

As you write your question, consider these points:
– give it a short descriptive subject (think of your subject line as a newspaper headline, where a good headline attracts a lot of readers)
– tell us about your environment and growing conditions, or at least where you live (very important), and if you know it, your cold-hardy zone
– it must have something to do with azaleas—if not, it won’t get sent on to our readers
– it must not offer something you sell—if it does, it won’t get sent on to our readers.

Ask Us

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    Subscribing to the azaleas e-mail discussion group lets you join in the fun directly. It’s free, and you can unsubscribe whenever you want. To subscribe, send an e-mail to (the subject and contents don’t matter—just the address). When it sends you a reply, you have been subscribed as a member of the group. From then on, any e-mail you send to goes to all the other subscribers, and you will get a copy of e-mail sent by the other subscribers, anywhere from 0 to 5 e-mails per day.

    In Person

    The very best way to get answers to all your azalea questions, even those you haven’t even thought of yet, is to go to a meeting of an Azalea Society chapter. You can see the geographic areas they serve at Chapters. When you see how friendly, knowledgeable and helpful the members are, you will probably want to be part of the group. Every member gets our journal, The Azalean, full of azalea information, mailed to them every three months.

    Can’t wait to join? Click Join, Renew, or Donate to get started today.