This list shows active chapters of the ASA, and the areas served by each.

Click the chapter president or contact name to view contact information for that person. If the chapter has a website or Facebook page, click that link to go to that website/page.

Chapter Name President Contact Geographical Area Served Website or Facebook
Alabamense Shane Harris Alabama Facebook
Arkansas Ronnie Palmer Arkansas
At Large Worldwide; members who choose to not affiliate with a regional chapter, or who do not have an appropriate one, are placed here.
Ben Morrison Budne Reinke Maryland, District of Columbia, Delaware, Virginia
Central Carolinas Kevin McCorkle Central North and South Carolina
Lake Michigan John Migas Michigan, Illinois, Wisconsin
Louisiana James Campbell Louisiana Facebook
Northern Virginia Barb Kirkwood Rick Bauer Primarily Virginia, Maryland and District of Columbia. Members from many other states have joined. Website
Rev John Drayton Wilson Taylor South Carolina, primarily the Charleston area Facebook
Texas Carol Power Texas, with meetings in Houston, Nacogdoches and Tyler Website
Texas Forest Country Betty Horne Texas, around Jasper area
Vaseyi Aaron Cook Western North and South Carolina, Tennessee Website