RHS, UCL and RGB Colors, gamma = 1.4
|| fan 1 | fan 2 | fan 3 | fan 4 | related pages ||
Fan 1 Yellow – Orange – Red Groups
UCL name
hex RGB
1A 98 Brilliant Greenish Yellow 226 219 35 e2db23 1B 98 Brilliant Greenish Yellow 226 219 47 e2db2f 1C 101 Light Greenish Yellow 228 220 108 e4dc6c 1D 104 Pale Greenish Yellow 240 225 141 f0e18d 2A 97 Vivid Greenish Yellow 243 220 25 f3dc19 2B 98 Brilliant Greenish Yellow 236 221 50 ecdd32 2C 119 Light Yellowish Green 237 234 115 edea73 2D 104 Pale Greenish Yellow 240 224 152 f0e098 3A 98 Brilliant Greenish Yellow 248 218 33 f8da21 3B 98 Brilliant Greenish Yellow 248 229 51 f8e533 3C 101 Light Greenish Yellow 240 229 95 f0e55f 3D 101 Light Greenish Yellow 239 233 129 efe981 4A 98 Brilliant Greenish Yellow 251 228 50 fbe432 4B 101 Light Greenish Yellow 248 233 90 f8e95a 4C 101 Light Greenish Yellow 249 230 126 f9e67e 4D 121 Pale Yellowish Green 242 233 187 f2e9bb 5A 98 Brilliant Greenish Yellow 238 204 32 eecc20 5B 98 Brilliant Greenish Yellow 251 217 35 fbd923 5C 101 Light Greenish Yellow 255 225 81 ffe151 xGB 5D 101 Light Greenish Yellow 255 227 131 ffe383 xGB 6A 98 Brilliant Greenish Yellow 249 207 33 f9cf21 6B 98 Brilliant Greenish Yellow 254 210 37 fed225 6C 98 Brilliant Greenish Yellow 255 215 61 ffd73d xGB 6D 101 Light Greenish Yellow 253 223 117 fddf75 7A 83 Brilliant Yellow 234 184 20 eab814 7B 83 Brilliant Yellow 237 193 45 edc12d 7C 98 Brilliant Greenish Yellow 235 199 46 ebc72e 7D 101 Light Greenish Yellow 230 199 73 e6c749 8A 83 Brilliant Yellow 255 213 52 ffd534 xGB 8B 101 Light Greenish Yellow 255 219 81 ffdb51 xGB 8C 101 Light Greenish Yellow 248 231 117 f8e775 8D 89 Pale Yellow 252 231 176 fce7b0 9A 82 Vivid Yellow 255 201 18 ffc912 xGB 9B 82 Vivid Yellow 255 203 25 ffcb19 xGB 9C 83 Brilliant Yellow 255 217 69 ffd945 xGB 9D 104 Pale Greenish Yellow 252 227 147 fce393 10A 83 Brilliant Yellow 255 208 69 ffd045 xGB 10B 86 Light Yellow 255 213 87 ffd557 xGB 10C 86 Light Yellow 253 218 112 fdda70 10D 104 Pale Greenish Yellow 247 228 158 f7e49e 11A 83 Brilliant Yellow 254 198 58 fec63a 11B 86 Light Yellow 250 208 101 fad065 11C 89 Pale Yellow 250 216 144 fad890 11D 89 Pale Yellow 255 228 195 ffe4c3 xGB 12A 82 Vivid Yellow 255 200 19 ffc813 xGB 12B 83 Brilliant Yellow 255 206 45 ffce2d xGB 12C 86 Light Yellow 255 216 92 ffd85c xGB 12D 89 Pale Yellow 253 221 143 fddd8f 13A 82 Vivid Yellow 255 190 13 ffbe0d xGB 13B 83 Brilliant Yellow 255 195 32 ffc320 xGB 13C 83 Brilliant Yellow 255 202 57 ffca39 xGB 13D 104 Pale Greenish Yellow 247 222 153 f7de99 14A 82 Vivid Yellow 255 177 0 ffb100 xGB 14B 82 Vivid Yellow 255 183 0 ffb700 xGB 14C 83 Brilliant Yellow 255 203 71 ffcb47 xGB 14D 86 Light Yellow 255 208 118 ffd076 xGB 15A 82 Vivid Yellow 255 176 16 ffb010 xGB 15B 82 Vivid Yellow 255 182 31 ffb61f xGB 15C 83 Brilliant Yellow 255 188 46 ffbc2e xGB 15D 86 Light Yellow 255 205 95 ffcd5f xGB 16A 82 Vivid Yellow 255 176 33 ffb021 xGB 16B 70 Light Orangish Yellow 255 176 71 ffb047 xGB 16C 70 Light Orangish Yellow 255 183 89 ffb759 xGB 16D 73 Pale Orangish Yellow 255 196 128 ffc480 xGB 17A 68 Strong Orangish Yellow 255 144 0 ff9000 xGB 17B 82 Vivid Yellow 255 160 0 ffa000 xGB 17C 82 Vivid Yellow 255 169 8 ffa908 xGB 17D 86 Light Yellow 255 191 79 ffbf4f xGB 18A 86 Light Yellow 255 190 78 ffbe4e xGB 18B 86 Light Yellow 255 205 129 ffcd81 xGB 18C 89 Pale Yellow 255 212 165 ffd4a5 xGB 18D 89 Pale Yellow 255 218 162 ffdaa2 xGB 19A 70 Light Orangish Yellow 255 178 60 ffb23c xGB 19B 28 Light Yellowish pink 255 178 126 ffb27e xGB 19C 89 Pale Yellow 255 206 145 ffce91 xGB 19D 73 Pale Orangish Yellow 255 216 191 ffd8bf xGB 20A 83 Brilliant Yellow 255 159 42 ff9f2a xGB 20B 86 Light Yellow 255 187 82 ffbb52 xGB 20C 89 Pale Yellow 255 198 129 ffc681 xGB 20D 89 Pale Yellow 253 213 170 fdd5aa 21A 66 Vivid Orangish Yellow 255 151 0 ff9700 xGB 21B 67 Brilliant Orangish Yellow 255 159 16 ff9f10 xGB 21C 83 Brilliant Yellow 255 174 42 ffae2a xGB 21D 86 Light Yellow 255 189 88 ffbd58 xGB 22A 68 Strong Orangish Yellow 251 135 33 fb8721 22B 70 Light Orangish Yellow 255 166 68 ffa644 xGB 22C 70 Light Orangish Yellow 255 171 84 ffab54 xGB 22D 70 Light Orangish Yellow 255 180 105 ffb469 xGB 23A 66 Vivid Orangish Yellow 255 135 0 ff8700 xGB 23B 67 Brilliant Orangish Yellow 255 155 28 ff9b1c xGB 23C 70 Light Orangish Yellow 255 172 75 ffac4b xGB 23D 73 Pale Orangish Yellow 255 199 144 ffc790 xGB 24A 50 Strong Orange 255 124 17 ff7c11 xGB 24B 68 Strong Orangish Yellow 255 137 41 ff8929 xGB 24C 70 Light Orangish Yellow 255 165 88 ffa558 xGB 24D 73 Pale Orangish Yellow 255 182 128 ffb680 xGB 25A 50 Strong Orange 255 106 17 ff6a11 xGB 25B 50 Strong Orange 255 124 29 ff7c1d xGB 25C 49 Brilliant Orange 255 140 54 ff8c36 xGB 25D 70 Light Orangish Yellow 255 173 110 ffad6e xGB 26A 50 Strong Orange 239 104 28 ef681c 26B 50 Strong Orange 252 123 49 fc7b31 26C 52 Light Orange 253 146 89 fd9259 26D 28 Light Yellowish pink 252 160 116 fca074 27A 28 Light Yellowish pink 255 192 156 ffc09c xGB 27B 28 Light Yellowish pink 255 201 181 ffc9b5 xGB 27C 31 Pale Yellowish pink 255 209 198 ffd1c6 xGB 27D 31 Pale Yellowish pink 255 218 210 ffdad2 xGB 28A 25 Vivid Yellowish pink 255 92 15 ff5c0f xGB 28B 48 Vivid Orange 255 113 23 ff7117 xGB 28C 52 Light Orange 255 147 77 ff934d xGB 28D 52 Light Orange 255 162 106 ffa26a xGB 29A 49 Brilliant Orange 255 135 63 ff873f xGB 29B 52 Light Orange 255 146 93 ff925d xGB 29C 28 Light Yellowish pink 255 166 130 ffa682 xGB 29D 31 Pale Yellowish pink 236 184 163 ecb8a3 30A 34 Vivid Reddish Orange 248 68 35 f84423 30B 34 Vivid Reddish Orange 255 74 32 ff4a20 xGB 30C 25 Vivid Yellowish pink 255 81 25 ff5119 xGB 30D 50 Strong Orange 255 108 47 ff6c2f xGB 31A 35 Strong Reddish Orange 226 64 29 e2401d 31B 35 Strong Reddish Orange 237 83 43 ed532b 31C 26 Strong Yellowish pink 231 108 81 e76c51 31D 29 ModerateYellowish pink 249 130 107 f9826b 32A 34 Vivid Reddish Orange 239 54 16 ef3610 32B 35 Strong Reddish Orange 246 79 44 f64f2c 32C 26 Strong Yellowish pink 255 98 59 ff623b xGB 32D 26 Strong Yellowish pink 255 134 101 ff8665 xGB 33A 34 Vivid Reddish Orange 224 41 19 e02913 33B 34 Vivid Reddish Orange 241 57 24 f13918 33C 26 Strong Yellowish pink 255 93 60 ff5d3c xGB 33D 29 Moderate Yellowish Pink 255 136 113 ff8871 xGB 34A 34 Vivid Reddish Orange 248 47 32 f82f20 34B 34 Vivid Reddish Orange 234 60 35 ea3c23 34C 35 Strong Reddish Orange 253 81 48 fd5130 34D 26 Strong Yellowish Pink 232 103 75 e8674b 35A 37 Moderate Reddish Orange 197 58 37 c53a25 35B 37 Moderate Reddish Orange 221 70 55 dd4637 35C 26 Strong Yellowish Pink 223 100 91 df645b 35D 5 Moderate Pink 240 130 133 f08285 36A 28 Light Yellowish Pink 252 162 156 fca29c 36B 28 Light Yellowish Pink 247 173 176 f7adb0 36C 28 Light Yellowish Pink 255 181 187 ffb5bb xGB 36D 31 Pale Yellowish Pink 253 208 212 fdd0d4 37A 26 Strong Yellowish Pink 231 94 72 e75e48 37B 26 Strong Yellowish Pink 242 122 108 f27a6c 37C 29 Moderate Yellowish Pink 249 148 136 f99488 37D 28 Light Yellowish Pink 255 172 161 ffaca1 xGB 38A 26 Strong Yellowish Pink 255 112 107 ff706b xGB 38B 29 Moderate Yellowish Pink 249 138 132 f98a84 38C 28 Light Yellowish Pink 252 157 147 fc9d93 38D 28 Light Yellowish Pink 255 182 176 ffb6b0 xGB 39A 12 Strong Red 210 51 46 d2332e 39B 27 Deep Yellowish Pink 227 75 72 e34b48 39C 29 Moderate Yellowish Pink 245 134 132 f58684 39D 4 Light Pink 255 164 171 ffa4ab xGB 40A 34 Vivid Reddish Orange 236 43 35 ec2b23 40B 34 Vivid Reddish Orange 229 47 30 e52f1e 40C 35 Strong Reddish Orange 231 66 43 e7422b 40D 26 Strong Yellowish Pink 248 87 58 f8573a 41A 34 Vivid Reddish Orange 193 28 22 c11c16 41B 12 Strong Red 195 40 38 c32826 41C 37 Moderate Reddish Orange 177 62 54 b13e36 41D 27 Deep Yellowish Pink 187 78 76 bb4e4c 42A 34 Vivid Reddish Orange 185 23 21 b91715 42B 35 Strong Reddish Orange 189 44 29 bd2c1d 42C 35 Strong Reddish Orange 203 51 36 cb3324 42D 37 Moderate Reddish Orange 209 70 55 d14637 43A 34 Vivid Reddish Orange 198 25 20 c61914 43B 34 Vivid Reddish Orange 222 36 31 de241f 43C 27 Deep Yellowish Pink 232 54 57 e83639 43D 26 Strong Yellowish Pink 255 100 106 ff646a xGB 44A 11 Vivid Red 175 20 13 af140d 44B 34 Vivid Reddish Orange 192 24 17 c01811 44C 34 Vivid Reddish Orange 212 41 35 d42923 44D 27 Deep Yellowish Pink 230 60 61 e63c3d 45A 11 Vivid Red 162 7 18 a20712 45B 11 Vivid Red 179 3 19 b30313 45C 11 Vivid Red 180 25 32 b41920 45D 12 Strong Red 200 37 45 c8252d 46A 12 Strong Red 127 14 24 7f0e18 46B 11 Vivid Red 151 16 19 971013 46C 11 Vivid Red 185 22 32 b91620 46D 27 Deep Yellowish Pink 220 46 48 dc2e30 47A 15 Moderate Red 158 33 34 9e2122 47B 12 Strong Red 185 36 42 b9242a 47C 27 Deep Yellowish Pink 218 55 66 da3742 47D 3 Deep Pink 223 66 83 df4253 48A 3 Deep Pink 200 64 66 c84042 48B 3 Deep Pink 218 79 79 da4f4f 48C 2 Strong Pink 242 96 105 f26069 48D 2 Strong Pink 255 133 145 ff8591 xGB 49A 2 Strong Pink 248 117 131 f87583 49B 5 Moderate Pink 246 142 151 f68e97 49C 4 Light Pink 250 176 190 fab0be 49D 7 Pale Pink 240 201 214 f0c9d6 50A 12 Strong Red 184 31 44 b81f2c 50B 3 Deep Pink 212 48 65 d43041 50C 2 Strong Pink 228 91 106 e45b6a 50D 4 Light Pink 245 158 171 f59eab 51A 12 Strong Red 186 38 62 ba263e 51B 3 Deep Pink 210 62 83 d23e53 51C 3 Deep Pink 216 92 107 d85c6b 51D 5 Moderate Pink 221 127 138 dd7f8a 52A 11 Vivid Red 191 31 58 bf1f3a 52B 3 Deep Pink 216 49 81 d83151 52C 3 Deep Pink 219 66 102 db4266 52D 2 Strong Pink 238 105 130 ee6982 53A 13 Deep Red 114 13 27 720d1b 53B 12 Strong Red 141 21 35 8d1523 53C 12 Strong Red 168 26 48 a81a30 53D 12 Strong Red 187 32 61 bb203d 54A 255 Strong Purplish Red 187 49 81 bb3151 54B 248 Deep Purplish Pink 197 58 93 c53a5d 54C 2 Strong Pink 213 96 122 d5607a 54D 250 Moderate Purplish Pink 223 134 161 df86a1 55A 248 Deep Purplish Pink 208 55 104 d03768 55B 247 Strong Purplish Pink 223 90 141 df5a8d 55C 249 Light Purplish Pink 241 132 169 f184a9 55D 252 Pale Purplish Pink 245 161 193 f5a1c1 56A 252 Pale Purplish Pink 223 153 180 df99b4 56B 252 Pale Purplish Pink 225 162 190 e1a2be 56C 252 Pale Purplish Pink 216 171 194 d8abc2 56D 252 Pale Purplish Pink 217 181 202 d9b5ca __________ * Colors containing an R, G or B value of 0 or 255 can not be displayed accurately, and are flagged in the rightmost column.
fan 1 Yellow, Yellow-Orange, Orange, Orange-Red, Red
fan 2 Red-Purple, Purple, Purple-Violet, Violet, Violet-Blue, Blue
fan 3 Blue-Green, Green, Yellow-Green
fan 4 Greyed Yellow-Orange-Red-Purple-Green, Brown, Grey, Black, Whitecolor systems (parent page)