Membership: The Azalea Society welcomes membership by anyone interested in azaleas, from all cultures and disciplines. We invite those who wish to learn, and those who know and wish to share their knowledge. As described on our About The Society menu, the major benefit of membership is association with like-minded gardeners, along with a quarterly 24-page color journal The Azalean, and attendance at annual conventions and chapter meetings. Membership is for a full calendar year starting on January 1st.
Dues: Dues for one year are $30.00 for US, $45.00 for Canada and $60.00 for all other countries. In addition, there is a full-time student membership for $15.00 and a softcopy-only membership for $25.00 (worldwide). In addition, we have lifetime memberships for $600.00, $900.00 and $1200.00, according to location (individual/joint memberships only). Dues are not prorated; however, anyone joining after July 1st pays only ½ the annual rate for the remainder of the first year.
If you have difficulty with the payment interface, and wish to pay by credit card over the phone, you may call the ASA membership administrator, Pat Insley, at (703) 597-7539. If you prefer to pay your dues by check, you may download the application form, fill it out, and mail it with your check (US bank, US dollars only) payable to ASA to:
Pat Insley, Membership administrator
Azalea Society of America
HERNDON, VA 20171-2622
Dues: Dues for one year are $30.00 for US, $45.00 for Canada and $60.00 for all other countries. In addition, there is a full-time student membership for $15.00 and a softcopy-only membership for $25.00 (worldwide). In addition, we have lifetime memberships for $600.00, $900.00 and $1200.00, according to location (individual/joint memberships only). Dues are not prorated; however, anyone joining after July 1st pays only ½ the annual rate for the remainder of the first year.
If you have difficulty with the payment interface, and wish to pay by credit card over the phone, you may call the ASA membership administrator, Pat Insley, at (703) 597-7539. If you prefer to pay your dues by check, you may download the application form, fill it out, and mail it with your check (US bank, US dollars only) payable to ASA to:
Pat Insley, Membership administrator
Azalea Society of America
HERNDON, VA 20171-2622