The Frederic P. Lee Commendation was a memorial to the late Frederic Paddock Lee of Bethesda, Maryland who, as an amateur gardener interested in azaleas, greatly contributed to the propagation, culture, care, and general appreciation of azaleas through his many horticultural activities, especially the writing and publication of his authoritative volume, The Azalea Book, for many years the definitive text on azaleas.
The Frederic P. Lee Commendation was established in 1982 by the members of the Brookside Gardens Chapter of the Azalea Society of America. It was given annually at the chapter annual meeting in December to an individual or group member of the chapter in recognition of his/her/their distinguished contribution through participation in the activities of the Brookside gardens Chapter — hybridization, propagating, writing, lecturing, teaching, or any other appropriate activity while a member of the chapter.
1982 — Ryon Page
Ryon Page (center) receives 1982 F. P. Lee Commendation from chapter president, William C. Miller III (left) and chapter vice president Betty Queen (right) at Brookside Gardens chapter annual meeting in December 1982 Photo by Janet B. Miller.
1983 — Anna Jane Martin
Willard Martin and Anna Jane Martin (recipient). Photo by William C. Miller, III.
1984 — Dr. Charles Evans
(L to R) Dr. Deborah Van Vechten, Brookside Gardens Chapter President; Dr. Charles Evans (recipient); and Harriet D. (Bunny) Carroll, Brookside Gardens Chapter Vice-President. Photo by William C. Miller, III.
1985 — William L. (Buck) Clagett
William L. (Buck) Clagett (recipient). Photo by William C. Miller, III.
1986 — Debby Emory
Warren Groomes, Brookside Garden Chapter Vice-President and Debby Emory (recipient). Photo by William C. Miller, III.
1987 — William C. Miller III
(L to R) William L. (Buck) Clagett, Brookside Gardens Chapter President and William C. (Bill) Miller III (recipient). Photo by Janet B. Miller.
1988 — Denise Stelloh
Denise Stelloh (recipient) and William C. Miller III. Photo by Janet B. Miller.
1989 — Mary Rutley
Mary Rutley presented with the 1989 F. P. Lee Commendation by Chapter President Brian Barr. Photo by William C. Miller, III.
1990 — Ralph D’Amato
Mary Rutley, Brookside Gardens Chapter Vice-President and Ralph D’Amato (recipient). Photo by William C. Miller, III.
1991 — Pete Vines
Col. Pete Vines (recipient). Photo by Carolyn F. Beck.
1992 — Mike White
Mike White (recipient). Photo by Debra White.
1993 — Bill Johnson
Mary Rutley, Brookside Gardens Chapter Vice-President and Bill Johnson (recipient). Photo by William C. Miller III.
1994 — Bob Stelloh
Bob Stelloh (recipient). Photo by William C. Miller III.
1995 — Dr. Bill McIntosh
Dr. Bill McIntosh (recipient). Photo from Obituary, The Aegis, October 4, 2002
1996 — Dick West
(L to R) Richard T. (Dick) West (posthumous recipient) and William C. Miller III on the southern face of Mount Hamilton at the US National Arboretum. Photo by Barbara Bullock.
1997 — Barbara Bullock
Barbara Bullock (recipient). Photo by William C. Miller III.
1998 — Jean Cox
(L to R) Jean Cox (recipient) and Brookside Gardens Chapter Vice-President Mary Rutley. Photo by William C. Miller III.
1999 — Bee and Dr. Bob Hobbs
(L to R) Brookside Gardens Chapter Vice-President Mary Rutley and Dr. Bob Hobbs and Bee Hobbs (recipients). Photo by William C. Miller III.
2000 — Bill Steele
Bill Steele (recipient) and Brookside Gardens Chapter Vice-President Mary Rutley. Photo by William C. Miller III.
2001 — Don Hyatt
Don Hyatt (recipient) and Brookside Gardens Chapter Vice-President Mary Rutley. Photo by William C. Miller III.
2002 — Bob Stewart
Bob Stewart (recipient) and Brookside Gardens Chapter Vice-President Mary Rutley. Photo by William C. Miller III.
2003 — Don Voss
Brookside Gardens Chapter Vice-President Mary Rutley and Don Voss (recipient). Photo by William C. Miller III.
2004 — Dottie Murphree
(L to R) Brookside Gardens Chapter Vice-President Mary Rutley and Dottie Murphree (recipient). Photo by William C. Miller III.
2005 — Dr. Judy Karpen
(L to R) Dr. Judy Karpen (recipient) and Brookside Gardens Chapter Vice-President Mary Rutley. Photo by William C. Miller III.
2006 — Brian Barr
Brian Barr (recipient) and Brookside Gardens Chapter Vice-President Mary Rutley. Photo by William C. Miller III.
2007 — Dianne Gregg
(L to R) Dianne Gregg (recipient) and Brookside Gardens Chapter Vice-President Mary Rutley. Photo by William C. Miller III.
2008 — Bobbi McCeney
(L to R) Brookside Gardens Chapter Vice-President Mary Rutley and Bobbi McCeney (recipient). Photo by William C. Miller III.
2009 — Jane Kinzie
Jane Kinzie (recipeint). Photo by William C. Miller III.
2010 — Yoriko and Ming Chin
(L to R) Yoriko and Ming Chin (recipients). Photo by William C. Miller III.
2011 — Flo Ann Bowen
Flo Ann Bowen (recipient). Photo by William C. Miller III.