Azalea Related Links

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The Azalea Society does not endorse nor accept any responsibility for the content or use of these azalea-related websites.
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Azalea Society ArchivesGuide to the Azalea Society records archived at North Carolina State University, Raleigh NC
The Rhododendron, Camellia & Magnolia Group of the RHSlots of information and images from our “sister” society in England
Rhododendron Species Foundationmembership information, plant information sheets, species catalog
American Rhododendron Societyadditional information and links for rhododendrons and azaleas
Rhododendron and Azalea Newsa wealth of current information on rhododendrons and azaleas
Massachusetts Chapter ARSextensive web site, featuring The RoseBay periodical, and virtual garden tours
Midwest Chapter ARSserving the upper midwest states of Illinois, Wisconsin, Indiana,
Iowa, Michigan, Minnesota, North Dakota and South Dakota



Anderson GardenWashington, rhododendrons and azaleas
Brooklyn Botanic GardenNew York
Callaway GardensGeorgia, Zone 8, native and evergreen azaleas
Jenkins ArboretumPennsylvania, 46 acre woodland garden, rhododendrons and azaleas
August Kehr GardenNorth Carolina, Zone 7, evergreen and native azaleas, magnolias
Ruby Mize Azalea GardenTexas, Zone 8, evergreen and native azaleas, other woody shrub collections
New York Botanical GardenNew York, 11 acre woodland garden with bulbs, ferns, 3000+ azaleas and rhododendrons
Southern Highlands ReserveNorth Carolina, Zone 6, 120 acres at 4500′ elevation, plants native to the Blue Ridge Mountains



Alabama Extension Servicecomprehensive articles on the selection, care, diseases, propagation of azaleas


Hybrid Groups

Glenn DaleGlenn Dale images at the U. S. National Arboretum
Robin HillRobin Hill images, descriptions, background articles
hybrid groupshybrid azalea groups with names, descriptions and images


Azalea Society images about 6000 images of evergreen and deciduous azaleas, conventions, member gardens
Hirsutuma rapidly evolving database of azalea and rhododendron pictures and information
Bob Stelloh images evergreen and deciduous azalea images



The Azalea WorksThe Azalea Works is an educational and research activity that was created in 1989 by William C. Miller III for the purposes of consulting and lecturing, plant research, the development of improved azalea cultivars, and the production and sale of educational materials (pamphlets and books) on azaleas, rhododendron, and related companion plants. It has some nice images.
Henning’s Rhododendron & Azalea PagesExcellent comprehensive information about rhododendrons, azaleas and companion plants; good source of gardening books; many azalea links
Don Hyatt websiteAnother excellent comprehensive rhododendron and azalea website, with a focus on native azaleas and Don’s many illustrated papers and talks
RhododendronMarc Colombel’s comprehensive site about rhododendrons and azaleas including hybridizers, pictures, diseases, and propagation by sowing, cutting or grafting etc.

Miscellaneous – General gardening websites/articles

BillyOh.comGardening for Elderly: Health Benefits and Tips for seniors
GardenBuildingsDirect10 Tips for Eco-Friendly Gardening

Websites with azalea-related content are invited to link to us, and to be considered for a reciprocal link—e-mail our webmaster with your URL and a brief commentary about your site.