2009 azalea seed list || seed list | orders | notes ||
The seed lots are in alphabetic order by seed parent name.
azseedlist2009 to download the seed list as a Microsoft Excel spreadsheet.
(52KB file).
A crossed out number such as
132shows that seed lot has been sold out and should not be ordered.
#? Parents: seed x pollen?
Type? Plant? Contributor? Notes? 106 319-49 (Back Acres) op evg
Willhite selfed or crossed with 325-49 (Back Acres) 101 ‘Acrobat’ (Glenn Dale) op
evg Willhite likely selfed; plant is isolated 102‘Admiral Semmes’ (Dodd)
op dec Perkins 103 ‘Anita Keummels’ (Dodd)
op dec Creel large pure yellow near other austrinum x Exbury hybrids
104‘Ann Marie’ (Sommerville)
op dec Sommerville 105‘Aromi Sunrise’
op dec Creel large yellow/orange near other austrinum x Exbury hybrids
107‘Canobie Candela’* (=x cumberlandense)
op dec Perkins 108‘Canobie Candy’* x R. periclymenoides purple; white blotch
hp dec Perkins 109‘Canobie Candy’*
op dec Perkins 110 ‘Canobie Coochecoo’* (xNacoochee Princess)
op dec Perkins 135‘Canobie Fireworks’*
op dec Perkins ‘July Jester’ x R. cumberlandense ‘Camp’s Red’
111 ‘Canobie Frosting’* (prinophyllum op)
op dec Perkins 112‘Choptank River’*
op dec Perkins 113 ‘Col. Mosby’ (Dodd) op
dec Creel large orange/red near R. calendulaceum ‘Flat Rock Red’ 114‘Corneille’ (double flowered Ghent) x ‘Sylphides’ (pink Knap Hill)
dec Willhite 301‘Deni’s Delight’ (Stelloh)
op dec Stelloh op Choptank hybrid; light yellow; fragrant; ‘Choice Cream’ nearby
226 ‘Ed Egan’ (Sommerville) op
dec Sommerville 115‘Elizabeth Lane’ (Sommerville)
op dec Sommerville 116‘Framingham’ (Weston)
op dec Perkins 117Ghent azalea ‘Fern Gully #GH 001’*
op dec Willhite likely selfed or crossed with Fern Gully #GH 015
118Ghent azalea ‘Fern Gully #GH 015’*
op dec Willhite likely selfed or crossed with Fern Gully #GH 001
119 (‘Gibraltar’ x ‘Primrose’) op dec Schild 120‘Golden Showers’ (Weston)
op dec Perkins 401 ‘Golden Flare’ op dec Migas probably selfed
121 (‘Golden Showers’ x Lollipop #1) op dec
Perkins 122 Gregory Bald late red op dec Collins 123‘Gregory Bald #2’* x ‘Gregory Bald #2’* hp dec
Willhite cherry red; ball truss 124‘Gregory Bald #3’* (orange hp
dec Willhite 125‘Gregory Bald #6’* x R. viscosum montanum
hp dec Willhite ‘Gregory Bald #6’* is a superior form with salmon orange flowers
126‘Gregory Bald Seedling #1’*
op dec Perkins 155 ‘Hachika-tsugi’ (Kurume)
op evg Perkins syn: ‘Prudence’; ‘Wilson #7’ : bicolor white/lavender
127‘Hazel Hamilton’
op dec Collins 128 (Henry Skinner x ‘Daviesii’) op dec Collins Skinner selection; cross; seedling selection
129 Henry Skinner 525-6 op dec Collins 130 Henry Skinner Plant #2 op dec Collins 131 Henry Skinner Plant #3 op dec Collins 132 Henry Skinner no label #2 op dec
Collins 133 ‘Irridescent’ (Weston) op dec Perkins 272 ‘Jeff’ (Beasley) op
dec Willhite syn: ‘Summer Lyric’ 134 ‘July Jester’ (Leach) op dec Perkins 136‘June Jubilee’ (Aromi) x ‘Gregory Bald #2’* hp dec
Willhite ‘June Jubilee’ is a prunifolium x serrulatum x arborescens cross 137‘June Jubilee’ (Aromi) x R. calendulaceum (red) hp dec
Willhite ‘June Jubilee’ is a prunifolium x serrulatum x arborescens cross 138 ‘June Jubilee’ (Aromi) op
dec Willhite ‘June Jubilee’ is a prunifolium x serrulatum x arborescens cross 302 Kalmia latifolia op oth Gohring Wine Springs Bald (said to be a R. Jaynes collection site. Very colorful blooms.)
139 Knap Hill x Knap Hill hp dec
Sommerville 140 ‘Late Date’ (Towe-Anastos) x ‘Millenium’ (Weston) hp dec
Perkins 276‘Lollipop’ (Weston)
op dec Perkins 142‘Marydel’ (Polly Hill) x ‘Apricot Surprise’ (Northern Lights)
hp dec Perkins 143‘Marydel’ (Polly Hill) x ‘My Mary’ (Beasley) hp dec
Perkins 144‘Marydel’ (Polly Hill) x R. calendulaceum ‘Cahas Mtn White’* hp
dec Perkins 145‘Marydel’ (Polly Hill)
op dec Perkins 176 ‘Marydel’ (Polly Hill) op
dec Sommerville 146 ‘Millie Mac’ (McConnell) op
dec Stelloh 147MLM White Ball Truss op dec
Sommerville 148 ‘Moby Dick’ (Schroeder; white)
op evg Perkins 149‘My Mary’ (Beasley) x R. calendulaceum (big orange ball trusses)
hp dec Perkins 150‘My Mary’ (Beasley)
op dec Perkins 151 Native & Hybrid Mix cw dec Cook collected from selected plants in Biltmore Azalea Glen
152‘Pennsylvania’ (Weston)
op dec Perkins 153‘Pennsylvania’ (Weston)
op dec Willhite selfed or crossed with ‘Summer Lyric’ or ‘Summer Eyelet’
277‘Pink and Sweet’ (Weston) x R. arborescens (Abbott)
hp dec Perkins 278‘Pink and Sweet’ (Weston)
op dec Perkins 154‘Popsicle’ (Weston)
op dec Perkins 156Pryored Seedling ‘A10’* x hp evg
Garriott 157Pryored Seedling ‘A10’* x hp evg
Garriott cross of two highly striped Pryored seedlings 227‘Razzberry’ (Sommerville)
op dec Sommerville 158R. alabamense ‘Creel’s Alabammy’*
op dec Creel multiple buds; ball trusses near several austrinums
159(R. alabamense x R. arborescens) x ‘Gregory Bald #1’* (red)
dec Willhite 160R. albrechtii
op dec Perkins 303 R. arborescens cw dec Gohring Wayah Bald; NC
161R. arborescens op dec Collins Copper Bald pink
162 R. arborescens op dec Collins Henry Skinner plant
163R. arborescens
op dec Willhite superior form: long shiny foliage; very fragrant; #166 nearby
164 R. arborescens ‘AA1808-81B’* (Woodlanders) op dec
Perkins 165R. arborescens ‘Yellow #2’* x ‘Weston’s Lemon Drop’
dec Willhite 166 R. arborescens ‘Yellow #2’*
op dec Willhite #163 arborescens and pink cumberlandense x arborescens nearby
167 R. arborescens ‘Biltmore Yellow’*
op dec Willhite cumberlandense and arborescens nearby
168 R. arborescens var rubrum x ‘Popcorn’ (Weston) hp dec
Perkins 169 R. arborescens var rubrum op dec
Perkins 170R. arborescens ‘Wayah Bald’* x R. calendulaceum early red
hp dec Willhite 171R. arborescens ‘Wayah Bald’* x R. calendulaceum ‘Wolfpen Gap’*
dec Willhite 172 R. arborescens ‘White Lightning’ (Towe) x R. cumberlandense (red)
hp dec Perkins 173 R. arborescens ‘White Lightning’ (Towe)
op dec Perkins 279R. arborescens ‘White Lightning’ (Towe) x R. cumberlandense
hp dec Willhite cumberlandense is a pink/yellow blend
174 (R. arborescens x R. prunifolium) x ‘Henry’s Triumph’*
hp dec Perkins 175 R. atlanticum op dec Sommerville Yellow Choptank
177 R. atlanticum op dec Collins Henry Skinner Nat Arboretum #40825
304 R. atlanticum ‘RSF 1973/010’ op dec
Kline 178 R. atlanticum ‘Biltmore #1338’* op dec Willhite other atlanticums nearby
179 R. atlanticum ‘Sandtown’* op dec
Perkins 180 R. atlanticum ‘Snowbird’ (Biltmore)
op dec Creel near austrinums 181 (R. atlanticum x R. austrinum ‘Choice Cream’) op dec
Creel selfed from isolated plant 182 R. austrinum ‘Kate’ (Sommerville)
op dec Sommerville 183 R. austrinum op dec Schild 184 R. bakeri op dec Collins plant at Lake Circle
185R. bakeri x R. serrulatum x R. viscosum hp dec
Sommerville small plant 305 R. calendulaceum cw dec Gohring Wine Springs Bald; NC
306 R. calendulaceum cw dec Gohring Hooper Bald; NC
307 R. calendulaceum cw dec Gohring Fannon County; GA
186R. calendulaceum ‘Big Yellow’* x ‘Gregory Bald #1’* (red)
dec Willhite 187R. calendulaceum ‘Big Yellow’*
op dec Willhite ‘Zo WarnerF2’* and Skinner azaleas nearby
188R. calendulaceum ‘Cherokee’ (Beasley?) x ‘Marydel’ (Polly Hill)
hp dec Perkins 189R. calendulaceum ‘Cherokee’ (Beasley?) x ‘My Mary’ (Beasley)
dec Perkins 190R. calendulaceum ‘Cherokee’ (Beasley?) x ‘Snowbird’ (Biltmore)
dec Perkins 191R. calendulaceum ‘Cherokee’ (Beasley?) x R. luteum ‘Golden Comet’
hp dec Perkins 192 R. calendulaceum ‘Gamecock’ (Towe- Anastos)
op dec Creel orange red split petal x split petal atlanticum ‘Cottingham’* plant
308 R. canescens cw dec Gohring Paulding County; GA
193R. calendulaceum ‘Smoky Mountaineer’ (Arnold)
op dec Perkins 194 R. canescens x R. flammeum dec Sommerville small flower early pink
195 R. canescens op dec Perkins 196 R. canescens ‘Late Bloomer’*
op dec Creel probably a natural hybrid with R. periclymenoides 197 R. canescens ‘Creel’s Confetti’*
op dec Creel split petaled pink fragrant very fertile
198 R. canescens ‘Jean Eastman’*
op dec Creel pure white with green spotted blotch; selfs to produce all white progeny
199 R. chapmanii op
lep Creel from pink and white group 200 R. cumberlandense ‘Black Mt’*
op dec Perkins 201 R. cumberlandense (late orange) x ‘Weston’s Lemon Drop’ hp dec
Willhite 202R. cumberlandense (orange) x R. arborescens (Abbott) hp dec
Perkins 203 R. cumberlandense (orange) op dec
Perkins 204 R. cumberlandense (red) x R. periclymenoides w/white blotch hp dec
Perkins 205 R. cumberlandense (red) op dec
Perkins 206R. cumberlandense (very late orange red) x ‘Weston’s Lemon Drop’
dec Willhite 207R. cumberlandense ‘Camp’s Red’ (Skinner) x ‘Weston’s Magic’
dec Perkins 208 R. cumberlandense ‘Camp’s Red’ (Skinner) x ‘Appalachian Trail’ (Beasley)
hp dec Perkins 209 R. cumberlandense ‘Camp’s Red’ (Skinner) x ‘Framingham’ (Weston)
dec Perkins 210R. cumberlandense ‘Camp’s Red’ (Skinner) x ‘Hot Spur’ x R. calendulaceum
hp dec
Perkins 211 R. cumberlandense ‘Camp’s Red’ (Skinner) x ‘Lemon Drop’ (Beasley)
dec Perkins 212R. cumberlandense ‘Camp’s Red’ (Skinner) x R. alabamense ‘Nancy
hp dec Perkins 213 R. cumberlandense ‘Camp’s Red’ (Skinner) x R. arborescens (Abbott)
hp dec Perkins 214R. cumberlandense ‘Camp’s Red’ (Skinner) x R. calendulaceum
hp dec Perkins 215R. cumberlandense ‘Camp’s Red’ (Skinner) x R. calendulaceum fragrant
hp dec Perkins 216R. cumberlandense ‘Camp’s Red’ (Skinner) x R. viscosum w/c
hp dec Perkins 217 R. cumberlandense ‘Sunlight’ (Polly Hill)
op dec Perkins 218R. eastmanii ‘North Wall’* x R. eastmanii ‘Meadow’*
hp dec Creel both plants are good examples of R. eastmanii
219 R. flammeum op
dec Stelloh double flowered form 220 R. flammeum op dec Sommerville white w/ light pink frosting
221 R. flammeum op dec
Sommerville yellow 309R. flammeum ‘Big Orange Truss’*
op dec Creel from Transplant Nursery; progeny usually large; tri- colored
250 R. flammeum x Exbury hp dec Sommerville yellow-gold 310 R. flammeum ‘Red Bank’*
op dec Creel in patch of other red/orange flammeums
222R. flammeum ‘Brick Ruffles’* (maybe tetraploid)
op dec Creel orange ruffled form growing next to R. calendulaceum ‘Keowee Sunrise’
223R. flammeum ‘Clyde Crosby’* x R. flammeum ‘Tower Blaze’*
op dec Creel ‘Clyde Crosby’ named for father -in -law deepest red
224 R. flammeum x canescens ‘Watermelon Pink’*
op dec Creel flammeum x canescens hybrid 225R. hybrid op dec Sommerville yellow-gold; ball truss
228 R. kaempferi ‘Kesa’* op
evg Perkins 229 R. kiusianum ‘Mangetsu’
op evg Perkins bicolor white/lavender 402 R. luteum op
dec Migas probably selfed; very fragrant 230 R. macrosepalum op evg Schild 231 R. maximum (Red Max) op
ele Collins 311 R. maximum cw ele Gohring Fannon County; GA
232R. nakaharae ‘Mini- pink’
op evg Perkins 234 R. oblongifolium (viscosum) op dec
Perkins 235(R. occidentale C121 (SM 189 – lg flw) x R. occidentale ‘Leonard Frisbie’) x (‘Lemon Drop’ x R. occidentale – dbl)
hp dec Cavender 236R. occidentale x R. cumberlandense hp dec
Stelloh raised in Hendersonville NC 237 R. occidentale op
dec Stelloh raised in Hendersonville NC 312R. periclymenoides cw dec Gohring Polk County; GA
238R. periclymenoides x R. canescens ‘Between2Roads’*
op dec Creel natural ball truss hybrid from Creel Farm in Williamsburg County SC
239 R. prinophyllum (Winchester; MA) x W/C hp dec
Perkins 240R. prunifolium x R. arborescens op dec
Sommerville red pink 241 R. prunifolium op dec Sommerville blooms in July; red orange
242 R. prunifolium op dec Sommerville 243R. prunifolium ‘AA1226-85-1’* x ‘Late Date’ (Towe-Anastos) hp dec Perkins 244 R. prunifolium ‘AA1226-85-x’* Nicholson & Hay op dec
Perkins 245R. prunifolium ‘AA815-90’* (from Al Bert) x R. prunifolium ‘Best Red’ (Beasley) hp
dec Perkins 246 R. prunifolium ‘We-Du’* x ‘Henry’s Triumph’* hp dec
Perkins 247R. prunifolium ‘ASR’* x R. prunifolium ‘Best Red’ (Beasley)
hp dec Perkins 248R. prunifolium (from Al Bert) op dec
Perkins 249 R. sanctum op
dec Schild 252 R. viscosum x R. arborescens hp dec
Sommerville midseason pink 253 R. viscosum (Salem; NH) x W/C hp dec
Perkins 254 R. viscosum glaucum NOT
op dec Perkins deep pink/yellow; late 255 R. viscosum ‘Red Tip’* x ‘Lemon Drop’ (Beasley) hp dec
Perkins 256R. viscosum ‘Red Tip’* x hp dec
Perkins 257R. viscosum ‘Red Tip’* x R. prunifolium ‘Fred’s’*
hp dec Perkins 258R. viscosum ‘Red Tip’*
op dec Perkins 259 (R. viscosum x R. arborescens) (rose) op dec
Perkins 260R. yedoense var poukhanense
op evg Perkins pink evergreen 261 (Red Exbury Seedling x ‘Brazil’) op dec
Schild 262 ‘Ribbon Candy’ (Weston) x R. cumberlandense ‘ASA Orange’*
hp dec Perkins 263 ‘Ribbon Candy’ (Weston) op dec Perkins 264 ‘S D Coleman’ (Leach) op
dec Sommerville red prunifolium 265 ‘Saint James’ (Back Acres)
op evg Willhite selfed or crossed with ‘Apricot Honey’ (Back Acres)
266 ‘Sea Breeze’ (Weston) op
dec Perkins 267 Seedling op dec Sommerville gold flower w/ red tube
268 ‘Snowbird’ (Biltmore) op
dec Perkins 251 (Sommerville #39 x Sommerville #48) op
op dec Willhite likely an F2 (i.e. selfed); #39=red flammeum; #48=yellow flammeum
269 Striped Shammarello Type Seedling x hp evg
Garriott mother plant is dense excellent shrub 270‘Summer Eyelet’ x Pennsylvania’ (Weston) hp dec
Willhite ‘Summer Eyelet’ is a viscosum or viscosum x arborescens hybrid 271‘Summer Eyelet’ x R. arborescens ‘Yellow #2’* hp dec
Willhite ‘Summer Eyelet’ is a viscosum or viscosum x arborescens hybrid 273 ‘Sylphides’ (pink Knap Hill)
op dec Willhite 274 Skinner #9 (Vivian Abney)
op dec Willhite ‘Zo Warner F2’* and ‘Skinner #10’* and ‘Skinner #12’* nearby
275 ‘Wayah Crest’ (Towe-Anastos; fragrant pink arb hybrid) x R. calendulaceum ‘Wolfpen
hp dec Willhite ‘Wolfpen Gap’* is a late form with orange sherbert flower color
141‘Weston’s Lemon Drop’ x R. cumberlandense
hp dec Willhite 280 x furbishii = ‘Canobie Carnival’* (rose)
op dec Perkins 281‘Zo Warner F2 #3’* x R. calendulaceum ‘Big Yellow’* hp
dec Willhite 282 ‘Zophar #2’* op
dec Perkins small white with yellow flare 283‘Zophar #3’*
op dec Perkins large white with yellow flare 284 ‘Zophar #4’* op
dec Perkins pink with yellow flare #? Parents: seed x pollen?
Type? Plant?
Contributor? Notes?
Starting January 1st, seed is distributed to ASA members and contributors on a first come, first served basis. Starting May 1st, seed is distributed to anyone on a first come, first served basis.
Use the seed number in the first column of the seed list to identify the seed on your order (a crossed out number such as
132shows that seed lot is sold out and should not be ordered). You may order only one envelope of one seed number per order, although you may order any number of envelopes of different seeds. If the seed you ordered is not available, we will use our judgement to make a substitution, unless you state “no substitutions” on your order.Orders can be placed by an e-mail to Aaron Cook or by a letter addressed to
ASA Seed Exchange
804 Piedmont Ave
Valdese NC 28690-3161All seed not distributed before the annual convention will be offered for sale there.
Seed is packaged approximately 50 seeds in a #1 coin envelope, at a cost of $2.00 per envelope. Shipping and handling costs are an additional $3.00 per total order. Seed orders will be sent by first class mail.
Seed orders can be paid for with checks made out to “ASA” with “seed exchange” on the memo line, or by a credit card payment through PayPal sent to with “seed exchange” in the accompanying email. Payment must accompany the order. Refunds will not be made for less than $4.00.
# – the seed order number. Please use this number to identify the seed on your order. Note that a crossed out number such as
132shows that seed lot is sold out and should not be ordered.Parents: seed x pollen – the name of the seed parent first, followed by an “x” and the pollen parent if known (that is, hand pollinated).
• (Parentheses) enclose the parent names of complex crosses, e.g. (‘Golden Showers’ x ‘Lollipop’) x R. cumberlandense.
• ‘Midnight Flare’ = accepted name (printed in a dated publication, may or may not be registered)
• ‘ASA Orange’* = unpublished working name
• (Towe-Anastos, fragrant pink arb hybrid) = (hybridizer or hybrid group, and/or flower description)
• click a linked plant name to see a picture of that plant in a new window; then click the picture to show its gallery of thumbnails to see if there are more pictures of that plant; click a thumbnail to see its big picture; click the close box on the page to return to the seed list.
Type (of pollination) – hp = hand pollinated; cw = collected wild; op = open pollinated (unknown pollen parent).
Plant – evg = evergreen azalea; dec = deciduous azalea; azd = azaleodendron; lep = lepidote (scaly, little-leaf) rhododendron; ele = elepidote (non-scaly, big-leaf) rhododendron; oth = other plant
Contributor – name of the person or organization contributing the seed:
Cavender: ‘Red’ Cavender; Sherwood OR
Collins: Ed Collins; Hendersonville NC
Cook: Aaron Cook; Valdese NC
Creel: Mike Creel; Lexington SC
Garriott: Bob Garriott; Evansville IN
Gohring: Ken Gohring; Marietta GA
Kline: Howard Kline; Leesport PA
Migas: John Migas; Saugatuck MI
Perkins: John & Sally Perkins; Salem NH
Schild: Joe Schild; Hixson TN
Sommerville: Earl Sommerville; Marietta GA
Stelloh: Bob Stelloh; Hendersonville NC
Willhite: Jim Willhite; West Chester PA
Notes – any further information provided by the contributor about the plant or the seed.