2010 azalea seed list ||orders | notes ||
NOTE: None of the 2010 seed lots are available as of January 1, 2011.
The seed lots are in alphabetic order by seed parent name.
azseedlist2010 to download the seed list as a Microsoft Excel spreadsheet
(64KB file).A bold crossed out number such as
132shows that seed lot is sold out and should not be ordered.
#? Parents: seed x pollen? Type? Plant? Contributor? Notes? 101 [Gregory Bald x (R. calendulaceum x R. cumberlandense)] x R. viscosum (pink) hp dec Willhite * Earl Cordy cross; salmon flowers; grown from 2004 ARS SE seed 102 ’24 Caret’ (Haag) op lep Willhite heat & cold tolerant early yellow (R. keiskei x R. xanthocodon); heavy bud set 103 ‘Admiral Semmes’ (Dodd) op dec Brown from plants from Bob Head; Head-Lee Nursery 104 ‘Admiral Semmes’ (Dodd) op dec Perkins 105 ‘Anita Keummels’ (Dodd) op dec Creel large pure yellow near other austrinum x Exbury hybrids 106 ‘Aromi Sunstruck’ x ‘Mooshatanio’ hp dec Becker 107 ‘Aromi Sunstruck’ op dec Gohring from Ted Meredith’s garden; Yellow Aromi Hybrid 108 ‘Aromi Sunstruck’ op dec Brown 109 ‘Avocet’ x ‘Memory of James Thompson’ hp dec Willhite 110 ‘Avocet’ op evg Willhite 111 ‘Betty Ellen’ (Stewart) x ‘Acrobat’ (Glenn Dale) hp evg Willhite 112‘Blue Ridge’ (Haag) op lep Vaseyi Chap 113 ‘Caitlin Marie’ (Klimavicz) x ‘Acrobat’ (Glenn Dale) hp evg Willhite * Joe Klimavicz Rose Double 114 “Canobie Candela” (= x cumberlandense) op dec Perkins 115“Canobie Candy” x ‘Apricot Surprise’ (Northern Lights) hp dec Perkins 2n x 4n cross 116 “Canobie Candy” x “Canobie Coochecoo” hp dec Perkins 2n x 4n cross 117“Canobie Candy” x R. calendulaceum ‘Smoky Mountaineer’ hp dec Perkins 2n x 4n cross 118“Canobie Coochecoo” x R. atlanticum ‘Snowbird’ (Biltmore) hp dec Perkins 4n x 4n cross 119“Canobie Coochecoo” x R. luteum ‘Golden Comet’ hp dec Perkins 4n x 4n cross 120“Canobie Frosting” (prinophyllum op) op dec Perkins 121 “Carousel” (almost surely Aromi’s ‘Pink Carousel’) op dec Brown From plants from Bob Head; Head-Lee Nursery 122 ‘Choice Cream’ (Galle) op dec Stelloh 123 ‘Choice Cream’ (Galle) op dec Creel isolated (selfed?); yellow compact form; fragrant 124 “Choptank Yellow/Lavender” op dec Coleman 125 “Choptank Yellow/Orange” op dec Coleman 126“Choptank River” x R. colemanii hp dec Perkins 4n x 4n cross 127 “CL-95-101” (Klimavicz) x ‘Acrobat’ hp evg Willhite * double pale pink with purple stripes 128 “CL-95-101” (Klimavicz) x ‘Betty Ellen’ hp evg Willhite * double pale pink with purple stripes 129 ‘Clear Creek’ x “Zo Warner F2 #1” hp dec Willhite ** believed to be an atlanticum-calendulaceum cross 130 ‘Col. Mosby’ (Dodd) op dec Creel large orange-red near R. calendulaceum “Flat Rock Red” 131 “Copper Bald Salmon” op dec Vaseyi Chap 132“Creek Side” x ‘My Mary’ (Beasley) hp dec Perkins 2n x 4n cross 133 “Creek Side” op dec Perkins 134‘Deni’s Delight’ (Stelloh) op dec Stelloh op Choptank hybrid; light yellow; fragrant; ‘Choice Cream’ is nearby 135 “Don’s Fuchsia” x (R. occidentale x R. cumberlandense #1) hp dec Willhite * 2nd generation Gregory Bald hybrid by Don Hyatt; fragrant fuchsia flowers; ** Cavender hybrid 136 “Don’s Yellow #2” x R. arborescens ‘Wayah Bald’ hp dec Willhite * 2nd generation Gregory Bald hybrid by Don Hyatt 137 ‘Double Pleasure’ (Dodd) x “Zo Warner F2 #1” hp dec Willhite ** believed to be an atlanticum-calendulaceum cross 138 ‘Dreamsicle’ x “Back Acres 255-70” hp evg Willhite 139‘Harris Fascination’ (syn. ‘Fascination’) x ‘Red Tape’ hp evg Willhite cross of two red/white bicolors 140 “Fragrant Orange-Pink” op dec Coleman 141 Ghent azalea op dec Perkins 142 ‘Glory Be’ (Aromi) op dec Creel large pure yellow austrinum hybrid; near ‘Lemonade’ (Aromi) 143 ‘Golden Flare’ (Knap Hill) op dec Migas probably selfed 144 ‘Golden Lights’ x R. atlanticum ‘Snowbird’ (Biltmore) hp dec Perkins 4n x 4n cross 145 ‘Golden Showers’ (Weston) x R. luteum hp dec Perkins 2n x 4n cross 146 ‘Golden Showers’ (Weston) op dec Perkins 147“Gregory Bald Deep Pink” op dec Vaseyi Chap 148“Gregory Bald #1” op dec Vaseyi Chap 149 “Gregory Bald #2” op dec Vaseyi Chap 150 “Gregory Bald #3” op dec Vaseyi Chap 151“Gregory Bald #6” op dec Willhite a superior form with salmon orange flowers 312 “Gregory Bald Red” op dec Johnson pink from Woodlanders Nursery isolated 152 “Gregory Bald seedling” op dec Pace 153“Gregory Bald very late red” op dec Vaseyi Chap 154 ‘Gumpo Pink’ x ‘Hilda Niblett’ hp evg Becker 155 “Henry Skinner #21” op dec Willhite Vivian Abney plant; pink and while; blooms same time as R. calendulaceum 156 ‘Jack A. Sand’ x ‘Golden Lights’ hp dec Willhite * double 157 ‘Jeff’ (syn. ‘Summer Lyric’) x ‘Weston’s Lemon Drop’ hp dec Willhite * R. prunifolium x R. arborescens (Beasley hybrid) 158 “Joan Adcock Plant # 1” op dec Coleman Skinner selection; cross; seedling selection 159 “Joan Adcock Plant # 2” op dec Coleman 160 “Joan Adcock Plant # 3” op dec Coleman 161 “Joan Adcock Plant # 4” op dec Coleman 162 “Joan Adcock Plant # 5” op dec Coleman 163 “Joan Adcock Plant # 6” op dec Coleman 164 “Joan Adcock Plant # 7” op dec Coleman 165 “Joan Adcock Plant # 8” op dec Coleman 166 ‘Joan Garrett’ x ‘Betty Ellen’ (Stewart) hp evg Willhite 167 ‘July Jester’ x ‘My Mary’ (Beasley) hp dec Perkins 2n x 4n cross 168 ‘Koromo Shikibu’ op evg Becker 169 ‘Koromo Shikibu’ op evg Creel 170 ‘Lollipop’ (Weston) op dec Perkins 171 ‘Marydel’ (Polly Hill) op dec Perkins 172 ‘Millie Mac’ (McConnell) op dec Creel yellow with white picotee; strong grower 173 ‘Millie Mac’ (McConnell) op dec Coleman 174 ‘Millie Mac’ (McConnell) op dec Stelloh 175 ‘My Mary’ (Beasley) x “Canobie Coocheecoo” hp dec Perkins 4n x 4n cross 176‘My Mary’ (Beasley) op dec Becker 177 ‘My Mary’ (Beasley) op dec Coleman 178 ‘My Mary’ seedling op dec Coleman 179 Native Azalea Mix op dec Gohring from Joan Adcock’s Garden 180 ‘Northern Hi Lights’ x ‘Arneson Gem’ hp dec Perkins 181 ‘Peaches and Cream’ (Beasley) op dec Gohring from Joan Adcock’s Garden; R. canescens x R. flammeum 182 “Peachy Yellow” op dec Creel low; yellow multi-budded seedling of Our Yellow Native from Transplant Nursery 183 Petaloid White with Pink Wash op dec Coleman from Plant Place nursery 184‘Popsicle’ (Weston) op dec Perkins 185 ‘Pumpkin’ x R. atlanticum ‘Snowbird’ hp dec Perkins 4n x 4n cross 186 ‘Red Tape’ op evg Willhite Marshy Point Hybrid 187 Rich Light Gold op dec Coleman from Plant Place nursery 188 ‘Salmellia’ (Furman) x ‘Ambrosia’ hp evg Willhite 189 ‘Salmon Queen’ x (R. flammeum x R. calendulaceum ) hp dec Willhite ** Earl Sommerville cross 190‘Satrap’ x ‘Dimity’ hp evg Willhite 191 “Sommerville #86” (syn. “ES-86”) op dec Stelloh 192 ‘Viscosepalum’ x R. calendulaceum ‘Cherokee’ hp dec Perkins 193‘Vulcan’s Flame’ x R. fortunei hp ele Becker 194 ‘Wayah Crest’ (Towe-Anastos; fragrant pink arb hybrid) x R. calendulaceum “Wolfpen Gap” hp dec Willhite ** a late form with orange sherbert flower color 195 ‘Weston’s Innocence’ x R. colemanii hp dec Perkins 2n x 4n cross 196 ‘Weston’s Lemon Drop’ x ‘Jeff’ (syn. ‘Summer Lyric’) hp dec Willhite ** R. prunifolium x R. arborescens (Beasley hybrid) 197 yellow * x “Sunrise” (probably ‘Aromi Sunrise’) hp dec Clark * seed from Mal Clark (older seed may not germinate) 198 yellow * x “Sunstruck” (probably ‘Aromi Sunstruck’) hp dec Clark * seed from Mal Clark (older seed may not germinate) 199 yellow * x R. austrinum hp dec Clark * seed from Mal Clark (older seed may not germinate) 200 “Zophar #2” op dec Perkins small white with yellow flare 201 “Zophar #4” op dec Perkins pink with yellow flare 202 “Zophar #6” op dec Perkins 203 Kalmia latifolia cw oth Gohring Wine Springs Bald (said to be a R. Jaynes collection site. Very colorful blooms.) 204R. alabamense op dec Gohring from Joan Adcock’s Garden 205 R. alabamense op dec Stelloh 206 R. alabamense (yellow form) op dec Willhite 207 R. alabamense “Creel’s Alabammy” op dec Creel multiple buds; ball trusses; near several austrinums 208 R. albrechtii op dec Perkins 209 R. arborescens cw dec Gohring Wayah Bald NC 210 R. arborescens op dec Perkins Pellet 211 R. arborescens op dec Perkins Big Pod 313 R. arborescens op dec Johnson TN Rose Selection 314 R. arborescens cw dec Johnson Linville NC Excellent foliage 212 R. arborescens Haag form x R. colemanii hp dec Perkins 2n x 4n cross 213R. arborescens Kehr form op dec Vaseyi Chap 214 R. arborescens var rubra op dec Perkins 215 R. arborescens var rubrum x R. colemanii hp dec Perkins 2n x 4n cross 216R. atlanticum op dec Kline RSF 1973 – 010 217R. atlanticum ‘Marydel’ (Polly Hill) x R. calendulaceum ‘Smoky Mountaineer’ hp dec Perkins 4n x 4n cross 218 R. atlanticum ‘Marydel’ (Polly Hill) x R.calendulaceum “AA pink” hp dec Perkins 4n x 4n cross 219 R. atlanticum ‘Marydel’ (Polly Hill) x R. colemanii hp dec Perkins 4n x 4n cross 220 R. atlanticum ‘Nacoochee’ (Beasley) op dec Creel light pink from Transplant Nursery growing near ‘Millie Mac’ 221 R. atlanticum ‘Snowbird’ (Biltmore) x R. calendulaceum ‘Cherokee’ hp dec Perkins 4n x 4n cross 222 R. atlanticum ‘Snowbird’ (Biltmore) op dec Perkins 223 R. atlanticum ‘Snowbird’ (Biltmore) op dec Creel stoloniferous; near several austrinums 224 R. austrinum op dec Mucci 225 R. austrinum “Glory Girl” op dec Creel outstanding yellow form from Rosa Cottingham yard in Effingham SC 226 R. calendulaceum op dec Coleman 227 R. calendulaceum op dec Mucci 228 R. calendulaceum op dec Brown Hooper Bald; NC 229 R. calendulaceum op dec Brown Wine Springs Bald NC 230 R. calendulaceum op dec Cook Plants in Ashe County NC; Good Yellows and Pastel Orange/Pinks 231 R. calendulaceum cw dec Gohring Hooper Bald; NC 232 R. calendulaceum cw dec Gohring Wine Springs Bald NC 233 R. calendulaceum cw dec Gohring from Lisa Betz’s garden; parent Large Yellow 315 R. calendulaceum cw dec Johnson Snake Mt Yellow/Yellow Watauga County NC 316 R. calendulaceum cw dec Johnson Snake Mt Bi-color Watauga County NC 317 R. calendulaceum cw dec Johnson Snake Mt Watauga County NC 318 R. calendulaceum cw dec Johnson salmon yellow Avery County NC 319 R. calendulaceum cw dec Johnson Pond Mt 320 R. calendulaceum cw dec Johnson Pottertown Gap Watauga County NC 234 R. calendulaceum “Honeybear Orange” cw dec Gohring from Paul Shiver’s garden 235 R. calendulaceum “Hooper Copper” cw dec Brown 236 R. calendulaceum “Hooper Multicolor” cw dec Brown 237 R. calendulaceum “Hooper Orange” cw dec Brown 238 R. calendulaceum “Hooper Pumpkin” cw dec Brown 239 R. calendulaceum “Hooper Red GPS 13” cw dec Brown 240 R. calendulaceum “Hooper Red” cw dec Brown 241R. calendulaceum ‘Smoky Mountaineer’ (Arnold) x R. colemanii hp dec Perkins 4n x 4n cross 242 R. calendulaceum “Wolfpen Gap” x “Gregory Bald #6” hp dec Willhite ** a superior form with salmon orange flowers 243 R. canescens x R. molle hp dec Perkins 2n x molle 244 R. canescens op dec Coleman 245 R. canescens cw dec Gohring Cherokee County GA 246 R. canescens op dec Stelloh 247R. canescens cw dec Gohring from Paul Shiver’s garden 248 R. canescens “Hybrid Rose” op dec Coleman 249 R. canescens “Jean Eastman” op dec Creel pure white with green spotted blotch; selfs to produce all white progeny 250 R. canescens “Late Bloomer” op dec Creel probably a natural hybrid with R. periclymenoides; maybe hardier than typical canescens 251R. canescens x R. flammeum op dec Gohring from Lisa Betz’s garden 252 R. carolinianum cw lep Updike Avery County NC 253 R. chapmanii op lep Creel from isolated pink and white group 254 R. chapmanii op lep Creel isolated (selfed?); pink from Woodlanders Nursery 255 R. cumberlandense op dec Mucci 256 R. cumberlandense op dec Bell 257 R. cumberlandense cw dec Gohring Cheaha Mountain AL 321 R. cumberlandense op dec Johnson TN Rose Garden Plant 258 R. cumberlandense (red) op dec Perkins 259 R. cumberlandense x R. viscosum op dec Perkins 260 R. flammeum “Rosy Pink” op dec Coleman 261 R. flammeum “Big Orange Truss” op dec Creel from Transplant Nursery; progeny usually large tri-colored flowers 262 R. flammeum “Cotton Candy” op dec Creel lg pink w/ white blotch layer from Vaucluse bluff N. Edisto River in Aiken Co SC 263 R. flammeum “Pink Frill” op dec Creel pink w/ white blotch curly edge layer from Vaucluse bluff N. Edisto River in Aiken Co SC 264 R. flammeum “Pink Parfait” op dec Creel pink tricolor layer from Vaucluse bluff N. Edisto River in Aiken Co SC 265 (R. flammeum x R. periclymenoides) x R. alabamense op dec Willhite * R. Barnard cross; grown from seed 2001 ARS SE #138 266 R. kiusianum op evg Creel pink and variegated flowers on same plant 267 R. kiusianum ‘Mangetsu’ op evg Perkins bicolor white/lavender 268 R. luteum ‘Golden Comet’ x R. atlanticum ‘Marydel’ hp dec Perkins 4n x 4n cross 269R. luteum ‘Golden Comet’ x R. colemanii hp dec Perkins 4n x 4n cross 270 R. luteum ‘Golden Comet’ op dec Stelloh 271 R. maximum cw ele Updike Caldwell County NC 272 R. maximum “Red Max” cw ele Cook seed collected from original plant off Parkway 273 R. minus cw lep Cook seed collected from Dark pink forms on Table Rock 274 R. minus var minus cw lep Gohring Cheaha Mountain AL 275 R. minus var minus cw lep Gohring Forsyth County GA 276 R. occidentale op dec Stelloh raised in Hendersonville NC 322 R. occidentale op dec Cavender Intraspecific cross 3 inch frilly flowers 323 R. occidentale op dec Cavender Plant is a cross between #14 and #15 below One of the parents of ‘Lemon Drop’ 324 R. occidentale ‘SM189’ x ‘Leonard Frisbie’ op dec Cavender SM 189 Largest Flower Leonard Frisbie Lg Frilly Flowers 325 R. occidentale ‘SM28-3’ x ‘SM28-2’ op dec Cavender Both plants from Crescent City Flats Double Flowers 326 R. occidentale ‘SM703’ op dec Cavender Stagecoach Hill Selection 327 R. occidentale ‘Tatum’s Deep Pink’ op dec Cavender Stagecoach Hill Selection 328 R. occidentale ‘Tatum’s Yellow Standard’ op dec Cavender Bright Yellow Standard that comes through in crosses 277 (R. occidentale x R. cumberlandense #1) x R. occidentale “Palomar 303 seedling” hp dec Willhite * white flower w/ yellow blotch; ** pollen from Red Cavender 278 R. periclymenoides cw dec Updike Wilkes County NC 279 R. periclymenoides op dec Mucci 280R. periclymenoides op dec Coleman Lavender Pink 281R. periclymenoides op dec Coleman Pink w/ White Throat 282 R. periclymenoides (marked canescens) x R. calendulaceum hp dec Perkins 2n x 4n cross 283 R. periclymenoides (marked canescens) op dec Perkins 284 R. periclymenoides ‘Appalachian Spring’ x R. luteum ‘Golden Comet’ hp dec Perkins 2n x 4n cross 285 R. periclymenoides “Girard” x R. calendulaceum ‘Cherokee’ hp dec Perkins 2n x 4n cross 286 R. prinophyllum cw dec Perkins Winchedon MA 287 R. prinophyllum cw dec Perkins Fritzwilliams NH 288 R. prunifolium op dec Gohring From Joan Adcock’s Garden 289 R. prunifolium op dec Perkins 290 R. prunifolium op dec Bell 291 R. prunifolium op dec Becker 329 R. prunifolium op dec Johnson TN Rose Selection 292 R. schlippenbachii op dec Perkins 293 R. vaseyi op dec Bell 294 R. vaseyi op dec Perkins Balled Truss 295 R. vaseyi cw dec Gohring Cashiers NC 296 R. vaseyi op dec Brown High Hampton Plants 330 R. vaseyi cw dec Johnson Deep Pink Avery County NC 331 R. vaseyi op dec Johnson TN Rose Selection 332 R. vaseyi op dec Johnson TN Rose Selection Creekbank 297 R. viscosum op dec Mucci 298 R. viscosum cw dec Perkins Salem NH 299 R. viscosum “NOT” op dec Perkins deep pink/yellow; very late 300 R. viscosum “#7” op dec Perkins 301 R. viscosum (pink) x “Don’s Yellow #2” hp dec Willhite ** 2nd generation Gregory Bald hybrid by Don Hyatt 302 R. viscosum (pink) x ‘Wayah Crest’ hp dec Willhite ** (Towe-Anastos; fragrant pink arb hybrid 303 R. viscosum “Red Tip” x R. molle hp dec Perkins 2n x molle 304 R. viscosum ‘Summer Eyelet’ x ‘My Mary’ (Beasley) hp dec Perkins 2n x 4n cross 305 R. viscosum ‘Summer Eyelet’ x R. luteum hp dec Perkins 2n x 4n cross 306 R. viscosum ‘Summer Eyelet’ x R. molle hp dec Perkins 2n x molle 307 R. viscosum ‘Summer Eyelet’ op dec Perkins 308 R. viscosum ‘Summer Eyelet’ op dec Willhite 309 Styrax obassia op oth Stelloh ornamental tree; 20′ x 12′; white flower panicles; from Stelloh garden 310 x R. arborescens x R. luteum hp dec Perkins 2n x 4n cross * very late 311 x R. arborescens x R. molle hp dec Perkins 2n x molle * very late #? Parents: seed x pollen? Type? Plant? Contributor? Notes?
Starting January 1st, seed is distributed to ASA members and contributors on a first come, first served basis. Starting May 1st, seed is distributed to anyone on a first come, first served basis.
Use the seed number in the first column of the seed list to identify the seed on your order (a bold crossed out number such as
shows that seed lot is sold out and should not be ordered). You may order only one envelope of one seed number per order, although you
may order any number of envelopes of different seeds. If the seed you ordered is not available, we will use our judgement to make a
substitution, unless you state “no substitutions” on your order.Orders can be placed by an e-mail to Aaron Cook or by a letter addressed to
ASA Seed Exchange
804 Piedmont Ave
Valdese NC 28690-3161All seed not distributed before the annual convention will be offered for sale there.
Seed is packaged approximately 50 seeds in a #1 coin envelope, at a cost of $2.00 per envelope. Shipping and handling costs are an
additional $3.00 per total order. Seed orders will be sent by first class mail.Seed orders can be paid for with checks made out to “ASA” with “seed
exchange” on the memo line, or by a credit card payment through PayPal sent to
paytheasa@aol.com with “seed exchange” in the accompanying email.Payment must accompany the order. Refunds will not be made for less than $4.00.
# – the seed order number. Please use this number to identify the seed on your order. Note that a crossed out
number such as132shows that seed lot is sold out and should not be ordered.Parents: seed x pollen – the name of the seed parent first, followed by an “x” and the pollen parent if known
(that is, hand pollinated).
• [(parentheses)] enclose the parent names of complex crosses, e.g. [(‘Golden Showers’ x ‘Lollipop’) x R. cumberlandense].
• ‘Midnight Flare’ = accepted name (printed in a dated publication, may or may not be registered)
• R. viscosum ‘Summer Eyelet’ = named clone of a species azalea
• “ASA Orange” = unpublished working name
• (Towe-Anastos, fragrant pink arb hybrid) = (hybridizer or hybrid group, and/or flower description)
• Pictures – click a linked plant name to see a picture of that plant in a new window; then click the picture to see if there are more pictures of that plant by showing its gallery of thumbnails; click a thumbnail to see its big picture; close the picture tab or window to return to the seed list.Type (of pollination) – hp = hand pollinated; cw = collected wild; op = open pollinated (unknown pollen
parent).Plant – evg = evergreen azalea; dec = deciduous azalea; azd = azaleodendron; lep = lepidote (scaly, little-
leaf) rhododendron; ele = elepidote (non-scaly, big-leaf) rhododendron; oth = other plantContributor – name of the person or organization contributing the seed:
Becker: Richard Becker; Seneca SC
Bell: Doley Bell; Hendersonville NC
Brown: John Brown; Cleveland SC
Cavender: ‘Red’ Cavender; Sherwood OR
Clark: Malcolm Clark; Southern Pines NC
Coleman: Joe Coleman; Lithonia GA
Cook: Aaron Cook; Valdese NC
Creel: Mike Creel; Lexington SC
Gohring: Ken Gohring; Marietta GA
Johnson: Lindy Johnson; Trade TN
Kline: Howard Kline; Leesport PA
Mucci: Larry Mucci; Fairview NC
Pace: Leon Pace; Hendersonville NC
Perkins: John & Sally Perkins; Salem NH
Stelloh: Bob Stelloh; Hendersonville NC
Updike: David Updike; Wilkesboro NC
Vaseyi Chap: Vaseyi Chapter ASA; Hendersonville NC
Willhite: Jim Willhite; West Chester PANotes – any further information provided by the contributor about the plant or the seed.
* = the note refers to the seed parent
** = the note refers to the pollen parent