2012 azalea seed list || orders | notes ||
The seed lots are in alphabetic order by seed parent name.
azseedlist2012 to download the seed list as a Microsoft Excel spreadsheet
(64KB file).A bold crossed out number such as
132shows that seed lot is sold out and should not be ordered. Seed from previous years is not available even though the numbers on those lists may not be crossed out.
#? Parents? Type? Plant? Donor? Notes? 101 ‘Admiral Semmes’ op dec Vaseyi 102(‘Admiral Semmes’ x ‘Sham’s Yellow’) x sibling #1 hp dec Kline 103(‘Admiral Semmes’ x ‘Sham’s Yellow’) x sibling #2 hp dec Kline 104 R. alabamense op dec Stelloh 105 R. albrechtii op dec Perkins 106‘Anna’s Smile’ x R. calendulaceum ‘Smoky Mountaineer’ hp dec Perkins (4×4) 107‘Anna’s Smile’ x ‘Fragrant Star’ hp dec Perkins (4×8) 108 ‘Appalachian Spring’ op dec Perkins 109R. arborescens cw dec Coleman Lumpkin Co GA 110R. arborescens (Haag) op dec Perkins *late blooming 111R. arborescens (Peggy Taylor) x R. colemanii hp dec Perkins (2×4) 112 R. arborescens (Peggy Taylor) op dec Perkins 113 R. arborescens (rubra) op dec Perkins 114 ‘Aromi Sunny-side-up’ op dec Stelloh 115 ‘Aromi Sunstruck’ op dec Willhite 116 R. atlanticum op dec Mucci 117 R. atlanticum op dec Mucci 118 R. atlanticum x ‘Lady Roseberry’ hp dec Perkins (4×4) 119 R. atlanticum ‘Snowbird’ (Biltmore) op dec Perkins 120 (R. atlanticum x R. calendulaceum) x ‘Lady Roseberry’ hp dec Perkins (4×4) 121 R. austrinum op dec Coleman Yellow Austrinum 122 R. austrinum op dec Vaseyi 123 ‘Avocet’ op dec Willhite 124 (‘Barbara Jenkinson’ x ‘Cathye Mayo’) x unnamed Orange Ruffled hp dec Kline 125 ‘Betty Ellen’ x ‘Ambrosia’ hp evg Willhite 126 ‘Bright Forecast’ x ‘Clearcreek’ hp dec Willhite 127 R. calendulaceum cw dec Coleman Lumpkin Co GA 128 R. calendulaceum cw dec Coleman Wine Springs Bald 129 R. calendulaceum cw dec Coleman Orange Lumpkin Co GA 130 R. calendulaceum cw dec Coleman Copper Hooper Bald 131 R. calendulaceum ‘Cherokee’ x ‘Lady Roseberry’ hp dec Perkins (4×4) 132 R. calendulaceum #22804 x R. calendulaceum “Funny #1” hp dec Perkins (4×4) 133 R. calendulaceum #22804 x ‘Lady Roseberry’ hp dec Perkins (4×4) 134 R. calendulaceum ‘Smoky Mountaineer’ op dec Perkins 135R. calendulaceum ‘Smoky Mountaineer’ x ‘Anna’s Smile’ hp dec Perkins (4×4) 136 R. calendulaceum ‘Smoky Mountaineer’ x ‘Arneson Gem’ hp dec Perkins (4×4) 137 R. calendulaceum ‘Smoky Mountaineer’ x R. calendulaceum “Funny #1” hp dec Perkins (4×4) 138 R. canadense cw dec Perkins New London NH Philbrick 139 R. canescens op dec Coleman Pink with Red Blotch 140 R. canescens op dec Stelloh 141 (R. canescens x R. speciosum) op dec Willhite 142 “Canobie Candy” op dec Perkins 143 “Canobie Carnival” x ‘Canobie Kisses” hp dec Perkins (2×2) 144 “Canobie Coochecoo” x ‘Lady Roseberry’ hp dec Perkins (4×4) 145 “Canobie Frosting” x R. calendulaceum ‘Cherokee’ hp dec Perkins (2×4) 146 “Canobie Frosting” x R. calendulaceum ‘Smoky Mountaineer’ hp dec Perkins (2×4) 147 “Canobie Frosting” x R. flammeum hp dec Perkins (2×2) 148 “Canobie Kisses” op dec Perkins 149 R. catawbiense op ele Mucci 150 ‘Choice Cream’ (Galle) op dec Stelloh 151 ‘Choptank River’ x ‘Viscosepalum’ hp dec Perkins (4×4) 152‘Choptank Yellow’ x R. calendulaceum ‘Cherokee’ hp dec Perkins (4×4) 153 ‘Clear Creek’ (Aromi) op dec Willhite 154 ‘Clear Creek’ (Aromi) x R. occidentale #4 hp dec Willhite (p) ARS seed ex 82-857 SM 30 x (occidentale x bakeri)#2 155‘Clear Creek’ (Aromi) x R. occidentale #7 hp dec Willhite (p) SM 28-3 x SM 28-2 156 “Cold Springs Run” x “Sommerville #48” hp dec Willhite (s) ‘Buzzard’ op; (p) ES 39 x ES 48 157 ‘Corneille’ (Ghent) x ‘Bright Forecast’ hp dec Willhite 158 ‘Creek Side’ op dec Perkins 159R. cumberlandense cw dec Coleman Mt Cheahe Alabama 160 R. cumberlandense (red) op dec Perkins 161R. cumberlandense (red) x R. eastmanii hp dec Perkins (2×2) 162R. cumberlandense ‘Camp’s Red’ x R. colemanii hp dec Perkins (2×4) 163 R. cumberlandense red x R. colemanii hp dec Perkins (2×4) 164 ( cumberlandense X R. viscosum) op dec Perkins 165 ‘Deni’s Delight’ (Stelloh) op dec Stelloh 166 R. eastmanii x R. colemanii hp dec Perkins (2×4) 167 R. flammeum op dec Stelloh 168 R. flammeum op dec Coleman Bright Tangerine 169 ‘Four Kings’ (Aromi) op dec Thornton 170 ‘Frank Abbott’ op dec Perkins 171 ‘Frank Abbott’ x R. luteum ‘Golden Comet’ hp dec Perkins (2×4) 172 ‘Golden Showers’ (Weston) x R. calendulaceum ‘Cherokee’ hp dec Perkins (2×4) 173 Gregory Bald seedling op dec Pace 174 Gregory Bald seedling #1 x R. eastmanii hp dec Perkins (2×2) 175 ‘Hazel Hamilton’ op dec Coleman 176 ‘Joan Garrett’ x ‘Saint James’ hp evg Willhite 177 ‘July Jester’ x R. calendulaceum ‘Cherokee’ hp dec Perkins (2×4) 178R. kaempferi var. leucathum op evg Perkins 179 ‘Lady Roseberry’ x (‘Toucan’ or R. calendulaceum “Funny #1”) hp dec Perkins (2×4) 180 ‘Lemon Drop’ (Beasley) x R. calendulaceum ‘Cherokee’ hp dec Perkins (2×4) 181 ‘Marydel’ op dec Perkins 182 R. maximum “Red Max” op ele Stelloh Stelloh garden; Curtis Creek Red Max seedling 183 “McDonald Bicolor” x ‘Satrap’ Sport hp evg Willhite 184 ‘Millennium’ x R. cumberlandense ‘Camp’s Red’ hp dec Perkins (2×4) 185 ‘Millie Mac’ (McConnell) op dec Stelloh 186 ‘Mount Saint Helens’ op dec Coleman 187 ‘My Mary’ op dec Coleman 188 ‘Narcissiflorum’ x R. atlanticum (Polly Hill) hp dec Perkins (4×4) 189 R. nudipes op dec Perkins 190 R. occidentale op dec Stelloh Stelloh garden 191 ‘Pennsylvania’ (Weston) x R. calendulaceum ‘Cherokee’ hp dec Perkins (2×4) 192‘Pennsylvania’ (Weston) x “Canobie Coochecoo” hp dec Perkins (2×4) 193 R. periclymenoides op dec Vaseyi 194 R. periclymenoides x R. calendulaceum ‘Smoky Mountaineer’ hp dec Perkins (2×4) 195 R. periclymenoides x R. calendulaceum ‘Cherokee’ hp dec Perkins (2×4) (s) from Cumberland Plateau 196 R. periclymenoides (Pellott) x R. calendulaceum “Funny #1” hp dec Perkins (2×4) 197 R. periclymenoides (Pellott) x R. calendulaceum ‘Smoky Mountaineer’ hp dec Perkins (2×4) 198 Pieris floribunda ‘Millstream’ op oth Perkins 199‘Popsicle’ op dec Perkins 200 R. prinophyllum cw dec Perkins Fells NH 201R. prinophyllum cw dec Perkins Loveden NH 202 R. prunifolium op dec Stelloh 203 (R. prunifolium x R. arborescens) x R. calendulaceum ‘Cherokee’ hp dec Perkins (2×4) 204 Purple Choptank op dec Coleman 205 ‘Salmellia’ x ‘Ambrosia’ hp evg Willhite 206 R. sanctum op dec Perkins 207 R. semibarbatum op dec Perkins 208 “Sommerville #48” x ‘Aromi Sunnyside-side-up’ hp dec Willhite (s) ES 39 x ES 48 209 ‘Strawberry Ice’ op dec Coleman 210 Styrax obassia op oth Stelloh 211 R. tosaense ‘Barbara’ op evg Stelloh 212 ‘Toucan’ x R. calendulaceum hp dec Perkins (4×4) 213 “U-4-1” op Perkins 214 unnamed yellow salmon orange x (‘Barbara Jenkinson’ x sibling) hp dec Kline 215 R. vaseyi op dec Mucci 216 R. vaseyi cw dec Coleman Cashiers NC 217 R. viscosum cw dec Perkins Bluff Road Salem MA 218R. viscosum x R. colemanii hp dec Perkins (2×4) 219 R. viscosum #7 op dec Perkins 220 R. viscosum glaucum NOT op dec Perkins 221 R. wadanum op dec Perkins 222“Wintherthur Kurume #15” x ‘Ambrosia’ hp evg Willhite 223 “Yellow Daybreak” x R. austrinum hp dec Coleman #? Parents? Type? Plant? Donor? Notes?
Starting January 1st, seed is distributed to ASA members and contributors on a first come, first served basis. Starting May 1st, seed is distributed to anyone on a first come, first served basis.
Use the seed number in the first column of the seed list to identify the seed on your order (a bold crossed out number such as
132shows that seed lot is sold out and should not be ordered). You may order only one envelope of one seed number per order, although you
may order any number of envelopes of different seeds. If the seed you ordered is not available, we will use our judgement to make a
substitution, unless you state “no substitutions” on your order.Orders can be placed by an e-mail to Aaron Cook or by a letter addressed to
ASA Seed Exchange
804 Piedmont Ave
Valdese NC 28690-3161All seed not distributed before the annual convention will be offered for sale there.
Seed is packaged approximately 50 seeds in a #1 coin envelope, at a cost of $2.00 per envelope. Shipping and handling costs are an
additional $3.00 per total order. Seed orders will be sent by first class mail.Seed orders can be paid for with checks made out to “ASA” with “seed exchange” on the memo line, or by a credit card payment through PayPal sent to paytheasa@aol.com with “seed exchange” in the accompanying email.
Payment must accompany the order. Refunds will not be made for less than $4.00.
# – the seed order number. Please use this number to identify the seed on your order. Note that a bold crossed out number such as
132shows that seed lot is sold out and should not be ordered.Parents: seed x pollen – the name of the seed parent first, followed by an “x” and the pollen parent if known (that is, hand pollinated).
• [(parentheses)] enclose the parent names of complex crosses, e.g. [(‘Golden Showers’ x ‘Lollipop’) x R. cumberlandense].
• ‘Midnight Flare’ = accepted cultivar name (printed in a dated publication, may or may not be registered)
• R. viscosum ‘Summer Eyelet’ = named clone of a species azalea
• “ASA Orange” = unpublished cultivar working name
• (Towe-Anastos, fragrant pink arb hybrid) = (hybridizer or hybrid group, and/or flower description)• Pictures – click a linked plant name to see a picture of that plant in a new window; then click the picture to see if there are more pictures of that plant by showing its gallery of thumbnails; click a thumbnail to see its big picture; close the picture tab or window to return to the seed list.
Type (of pollination) – hp = hand pollinated; cw = collected wild; op = open pollinated (unknown pollen parent).
Plant – evg = evergreen azalea; dec = deciduous azalea; azd = azaleodendron; lep = lepidote (scaly, little-
leaf) rhododendron; ele = elepidote (non-scaly, big-leaf) rhododendron; oth = other plantDonor – name of the person or organization donating the seed:
Coleman: Joe Coleman; Lithonia GA
Kline: Howard Kline; Leesport PA
Mucci: Larry Mucci; Fairview NC
Perkins: John & Sally Perkins; Salem NH
Stelloh: Bob Stelloh; Hendersonville NC
Thornton: Jim Thornton; Conyers GA
Vaseyi: Vaseyi Chapter; Hendersonville NC
Willhite: Jim Willhite; West Chester PANotes – any further information provided by the contributor about the plant or the seed; commonly the location. The “(2×4)” type of note shows the ploidy of the seed and pollen parents.
(s) = the note refers to the seed parent
(p) = the note refers to the pollen parent