2015 azalea seed list ||orders| notes ||
The seed lots are in alphabetic order by seed parent name.
azseedlist2015 to download the seed list as a Microsoft Excel spreadsheet (128kB file).A bold crossed out number such as
132shows that seed lot is sold out and should not be ordered. Seed from previous years is not available even though the numbers on those lists may not be crossed out.
#? Seed Parent? Pollen Parent? Type? Plant? Donor? Notes? Seed Link? Pollen Link? 101 R. alabamense – ‘Nancy Callaway’ op dec Coleman C. Andrews Garden 102 R. alabamense – “Schwind’s Yellow” op dec Creel Creel Garden; large with yellow blotch 103 R. alabamense “Creels Alabammy” op dec Creel makes ball trusses 104 R.arborescens = ES 218 hp dec Creel Creel Garden 105 R. arborescens ‘Running arborescens’ (Beasley) op dec Creel Creel Garden 106 R. arborescens op dec Johnson Avery Co NC 107 R. arborescens early op dec Perkins 2x 108 R. arborescens early arb op dec Creel blooms late April 109 R. atlanticum op dec Coleman Hamilton Garden 110 R. atlanticum op dec Johnson ANP – Delmarva 111 R. atlanticum op dec Mucci Mucci Garden 112 R. atlanticum ‘Nacoochee’ (Beasley) op dec Creel Large pale pink/white 113 R. atlanticum “Yellow Choptank” op dec Coleman J. Kolhi Garden 114 R. atlanticum ‘Snowbird’ op dec Creel Creel Garden 115 R. atlanticum “Gold Coast” op dec Creel light yellow; very compact 116 R. austrinum op dec Mucci Mucci Garden 117 R. austrinum – ‘Millie Mac’ op dec Coleman yellow w/white picotee 118 R. austrinum – ‘Millie Mac’ op dec Creel Creel Garden – yellow w/white picotee 119 R. austrinum – ‘Millie Mac’ op dec Pace Pace Garden – yellow w/white picotee 120 R. calendulaceum cw dec Mucci Stony Fork Road, Buncombe County NC 121 R. calendulaceum cw dec Mucci Bulls Gap BRPW Buncombe Co NC 122 R. calendulaceum op dec Coleman Hamilton Garden 123 R. calendulaceum op dec Coleman Hurricane Creek – 054 – Red/orange Hamilton Garden 124 R. calendulaceum cw dec Coleman Wine Springs Bald NC 125 R. calendulaceum cw dec Coleman Hooper Bald NC – 126 R. calendulaceum cw dec Coleman Hooper Bald NC – “Hooper Copper” FS-1119 127 R. calendulaceum cw dec Johnson Snake Mountain Watauga Co NC – orange 128 R. calendulaceum “Smokey Mountaineer” op dec Perkins R. calendulaceum from Hurricane Creek 129 R. calendulaceum “HC 056” op dec Perkins 4x calendulaceum types from C. Andrews “Hurricane Creek” 130 R. calendulaceum “HC 062” op dec Perkins 4x calendulaceum types from C. Andrews “Hurricane Creek” 131 R. calendulaceum “HC 110” op dec Perkins 4x calendulaceum types from C. Andrews “Hurricane Creek” 132 R. calendulaceum “HC 119” op dec Perkins 4x calendulaceum types from C. Andrews “Hurricane Creek” 133 R. calendulaceum “HC 164” op dec Perkins 4x calendulaceum types from C. Andrews “Hurricane Creek” 134 R. calendulaceum “HC 196” op dec Perkins 4x calendulaceum types from C. Andrews “Hurricane Creek” 135 R. calendulaceum “HC 204” op dec Perkins 4x calendulaceum types from C. Andrews “Hurricane Creek” 136 R. calendulaceum “HC 205” op dec Perkins 4x calendulaceum types from C. Andrews “Hurricane Creek” 137 R. calendulaceum “HC 208” op dec Perkins 4x calendulaceum types from C. Andrews “Hurricane Creek” 138 R. calendulaceum “HC 209” op dec Perkins 4x calendulaceum types from C. Andrews “Hurricane Creek” 139 R. canescens op dec Creel Pink and hardy 140 R. canescens – late form op dec Mucci Mucci garden – white/pink fragrant 141 R. canescens – “Creel’s confetti” op dec Creel 142 R. canescens “Late One” op dec Creel good pink – strong plant; Willamsburg Co SC R. canescens from C. Andrews Garden 143 R. canescens “BL 021” op dec Perkins 2x canescens types from C. Andrews Garden 144 R. canescens “BL 032” op dec Perkins 2x canescens types from C. Andrews Garden 145 R. canescens “BL 034” op dec Perkins 2x canescens types from C. Andrews Garden 146 R. canescens “BL 061” op dec Perkins 2x canescens types from C. Andrews Garden 147 R. canescens “BL 064” op dec Perkins 2x canescens types from C. Andrews Garden 148 R. canescens “BL 065” op dec Perkins 2x canescens types from C. Andrews Garden 149 R. canescens “BL 066” op dec Perkins 2x canescens types from C. Andrews Garden 150 R. canescens “BL 070” op dec Perkins 2x canescens types from C. Andrews Garden 151 R. canescens “BL 077” op dec Perkins 2x canescens types from C. Andrews Garden 152 R. canescens “BL 085” op dec Perkins 2x canescens types from C. Andrews Garden 153 R. canescens “BL 089” op dec Perkins 2x canescens types from C. Andrews Garden 154 R. canescens “BL 091” op dec Perkins 2x canescens types from C. Andrews Garden 155 R. canescens “BL 092” op dec Perkins 2x canescens types from C. Andrews Garden 156 R. canescens “HC 211” op dec Perkins 2x canescens types from C. Andrews “Hurricane Creek” 157 R. canescens “HC 212” op dec Perkins 2x canescens types from C. Andrews “Hurricane Creek” 158 R. chapmanii op evg Creel Creel Garden – pink and white forms 159 R. cumberlandense op dec Pace 160 R. cumberlandense op dec Johnson Seedling from Gregory Bald; compact, almost red 161 R. eastmanii “North Wall” op dec Creel Creel Garden; white with yellow blotch 162 R. flammeum 163 R. flammeum “Double Pleasure” op dec Coleman 164 R. flammeum “Tower Blaze” R. flammeum hp dec Creel (s) perhaps my best R. flammeum 148257962 165 R. flammeum “Edisto Redhead” op dec Creel Seed parent from Bamberg CO SC; Creel Garden 166 R. flammeum “Clyo Red” op dec Creel cherry red’, Creel Garden 167 R. flammeum “Cotton Candy” op dec Creel large pink w/white blotch; Aiken Co SC 168 R. minus minus “early” op evg Creel original plants Covington Co AL – Creel Garden 169 R occidentale op dec Stelloh Stelloh garden 170 R. periclymenoides “John Bell” op dec Stelloh Stelloh garden 171 R. periclymenoides “Appalachian Spring” op dec Pace Pace Garden – white 172 R. periclymenoides op dec Pace Pace Garden 173 R. periclymenoides op dec Mucci Mucci garden – white/pink-lavendar flowers 174 R. prinophyllum op dec Johnson 175 R. prunifolium op dec Johnson Good seed parent 176 R. prunifolium op dec Mucci Mucci garden 148330602 177 R. prunifolium op dec Coleman 178 R. prunifolium op dec Coleman J. Kohli Garden 179 R. prunifolium op dec Coleman orange 180 R. prunifolium “Early prune” op dec Creel good arange red; early for species 181 R. schlippenbachii op dec Coleman J. Kohli Garden 182 R. stenopelalum “Linearifolium” op dec Mucci Mucci Garden – Spider azalea 183 R. vaseyi op dec Pace 184 R. vaseyi op dec Johnson Dark pink – vigorous seedlings 185 R. vaseyi op dec Mucci Mucci garden – pink flowers 148330597 186 R. vaseyi cw dec Coleman Cashiers NC 187 R. viscosum op dec Mucci Mucci Garden 188 R. viscosum “Lemon Drop-Beasley” op dec Creel late, pale yellow Hybrids x189 ‘Choice Cream’ (Galle) op dec Stelloh Stelloh garden – pale yellow – compact 107577307 x190 R. natural hybrid azalea – Zo Warner op dec Johnson “WB1” F1 Zo – salmon/yellow blotch; Non fragrant x191 R. natural hybrid azalea – Zo Warner op dec Johnson “SP16” – Pink/yellow blotch very fragrant – early June x192 R. natural hybrid azalea – Zo Warner op dec Johnson “Honey” – Deep rosey pink – non fragrant x193 R. natural hybrid azalea – Zo Warner op dec Johnson “ZS1-UR” Yellow/yellow blotch – fragrant x194 R. natural hybrid azalea – Zo Warner op dec Johnson F1 Zo – Striped pink – very fragrant x195 “Canobie Kisses” R. calendulaceum hp dec Perkins (2Nx4N); (p) JB 141234820 x196 “Canobie Kisses” ‘Millenium’ hp dec Perkins (2Nx2N) 141234820 116359950 x197 R. cumberlandense ‘Camp’s Red’ ‘Millenium’ hp dec Perkins (2Nx2N) 97413309 107667051 x198 “Canobie Frosting” ‘Northern Lights’ hp dec Perkins (2Nx4N) 141234819 x199 “Canobie Frosting” ‘Admiral Semmes’ hp dec Perkins (2Nx4N) 141234819 17454053 x200 “Canobie Frosting” R. arborescens hp dec Perkins (2Nx2N); (p) early 141234819 x201 ‘Lemon Drop’ (Beasley) R. cumberlandense ‘Camp’s Red’ hp dec Perkins (2Nx2N) 116956334 97413309 x202 ‘Millenium’ (‘Gold Showers’ x ‘Lollipop’) hp dec Perkins (2Nx2N) 116359950 x203 R. arborescens R. flammeum hp dec Perkins (2Nx2N); (s) early x204 ‘Marydel’ R. calendulaceum op dec Perkins (4Nx4N); (p) White 107667046 x205 R flammeum R austrinum op dec Mucci x206 Aromi Sunrise’ op dec Stelloh Stelloh garden x207 Aromi Sunrise’ op dec Creel large yellow/orange x208 Aromi Sunstruck’ op dec Pace Pace Garden – Large yellow flowers x209 Admiral Semmes’ (Dodd) op dec Pace Pace Garden – Medium yellow flowers – fragrant x210 Col. Mosby’ (Dodd) op dec Creel Large red w/yellow blotch x211 Anita Keummels’ (Dodd) op dec Creel Large pure yellow; Creel Garden x212 King’s Red’ (Kehr) op dec Pace x213 Glacier’ (Glendale) op evg Creel x214 R arborescens Haag R prinophyllum hc dec Perkins 2x X 2x x215 R arborescens Haag R viscosum ‘Summer Eyelet’ hc dec Perkins 2x X 2x x216 R arborescens early R prinophyllum hc dec Perkins 2x X 2x x217 “Canobie Carnival (‘Camp’s red’ x ‘Lollipop’) hc dec Perkins 2x X 2x x218 R canescens “Creel’s White” arborescens early hc dec Perkins 2x X 2x x219 R cumberlandense (red) R. eastmanii hc dec Perkins 2x X 2x x220 R eastmanii (Creel) R. prinophylum hc dec Perkins 2x X 2x x221 Gregory Bald #1 R eastmanii hc dec Perkins 2x X 2x x222 July Jubilation’ Lemondrop’ hc dec Perkins 2x X 2x x223 Late Date’ Lemondrop’ hc dec Perkins 2x X 2x x224 Lollipop’ Ribbon Candy’ hc dec Perkins 2x X 2x x225 R viscosum “glauca-not” Lemon Drop’ hc dec Perkins 2x X 2x x226 Zophar #2 R eastmanii (Creel) hc dec Perkins 2x X 2x x227 R arborescens early R. calendulaceum ‘Cherokee’ hc dec Perkins 2x X 4x x228 R. arborescens “Peggy Taylor” Abbot’s Grafton Peach’ hc dec Perkins 2x X 4x x229 R cumberlandense (red) R colemanii hc dec Perkins 2x X 4x x230 R. eastmanii (Creel) R. colemanii hc dec Perkins 2x X 4x x231 R. (viscosum x cumberlandense) Abbot’s Grafton Peach’ hc dec Perkins 2x X 4x x232 R. colemanii R. calendulaceum “Molten Lava” hc dec Perkins 4x X 4x x233 “Lakeside” R. calendulaceum hc dec Perkins x234 R. cumberlandense red “Lakeside” hc dec Perkins R natural hybrids- Joan Adcock’s Garden op dec Perkins 2x from Joan Adcocks Garden x235 R. natural hybrid “JA 34” op dec Perkins 2x from Joan Adcocks Garden x236 R. natural hybrid “JA 38” op dec Perkins 2x from Joan Adcocks Garden x237 R. natural hybrid “JA 39” op dec Perkins 4x from Joan Adcocks Garden x238 R. natural hybrid “JA 41” 239 Kalmia latifolia cw evg Coleman Wine Springs Bald NC 240 Kalmia latifolia op evg Johnson 241 Anemone hupehensis op oth Stelloh (Japanese Anemone); pink; Stelloh garden 242 Leucothoe fontanesiana op evg Johnson Johnson Co TN
Starting January 1st, seed is distributed to ASA members and contributors on a first come, first served basis. Starting April 1st, seed is
distributed to anyone on a first come, first served basis.Use the seed number in the first column of the seed list to identify the seed on your order (a bold crossed out number such as
shows that seed lot is sold out and should not be ordered). You may order only one envelope of one seed number per order, although you
may order any number of envelopes of different seeds. If the seed you ordered is not available, we will use our judgement to make a
substitution, unless you state “no substitutions” on your order.Orders can be placed by e-mail to Lindy Johnson or by a letter addressed to
Lindy Johnson
843 Wallace Rd
Trade TN 37691All seed not distributed before the annual convention will be offered for sale there.
Seed is packaged approximately 50 seeds in a #1 coin envelope, at a cost of $2.00 per envelope. Shipping and handling costs are an
additional $3.00 per total order. Seed orders will be sent by first class mail.Seed orders can be paid for with checks made out to “ASA” with “seed
exchange” on the memo line, or by a credit card payment through PayPal..Payment must accompany the order. Refunds will not be made for less than $4.00.
Seed packets ($2.00 each–specify the number on checkout)
Shipping and Handling ($3.00 per order)
Nomenclature: (by example)
x132 = sold out seed lot
Ghent azalea [no quotes] = species; unnamed member of a named hybrid group; or a description
‘Midnight Flare’ [single quotes] = accepted name (printed in a dated publication, may or may not be registered), sorted by name
“Red Max” [double quotes] = unpublished working name, used by the seed contributor and possibly by others, sorted by species if known
R. viscosum ‘Summer Eyelet’ = named clone of a species azalea
(Beasley) = name of the hybridizer or registrant
(2Nx2N), (2Nx4N); (4Nx4N) = ploidy of the seed parent and pollen parent
(s) = note refers to seed parent
(p) = note refers to pollen parentPictures:
To see a picture, click on the image number–this takes you to the pBase gallery To see if there are more pictures of a plant, click the picture to show its gallery of thumbnail pictures in alphabetic order. To see a large picture, click its thumbnail. To return to the spreadsheet, close the picture window. Donors:
Pace: Leon Pace; Hendersonville NC Creel: Mike Creel; Lexington SC Johnson: Lindy Johnson, Trade TN Mucci: Larry Mucci; Fairview NC Perkins: John & Sally Perkins; Salem NH Stelloh: Audrey Stelloh; Hendersonville NC Coleman: Joe Coleman; Lithonia, GA Errors of any kind:
Please bring to the attention of Dave Banks 757-258-8632