2022 Azalea Seed List


Starting January 1st, seed is distributed to ASA members and contributors on a first come, first served basis. Starting March 1st, seed is distributed to anyone on a first come, first served basis. The seed lots are in alphabetic order by seed parent name. All seed not distributed before the annual convention will be offered for sale there.

Seed is packaged approximately 50 seeds in a #1 coin envelope, at a cost of $2.00 per envelope. U.S. shipping and handling costs are an additional $3.00 per total order. Seed orders will be sent by first class mail.

A bold crossed out number such as 132 shows that seed lot is sold out and should not be ordered. Seed from previous years is not available even though the numbers on those lists may not be crossed out.

Click on 2022 Azalea Seed List to download the seed list as a Microsoft Excel document.

Ordering by mail/email & paying with a check

Orders can be placed by e-mail (paying with PayPal™—below) to Lindy Johnson or by a letter (enclosing a check) addressed to

Lindy Johnson
843 Wallace Rd
Trade TN 37691

Seed orders can be paid for with checks made out to “ASA” with “seed exchange” on the memo line. Payment must accompany the order. Refunds will not be made for less than $4.00.


# seed parent pollen parent seed plant donor location, notes
101 R. alabamense “Creel’s Alabammy” op dec Creel Creel Garden -ball trusses
102 R. alabamense op dec Pace Pace Garden
103 R. alabamense cw dec Bauer Lee Co. Ga. Muckalee Creek Field # 282
104 R. alabamense op dec Thompson Davis arboretum
105 R. arborescens “Hurricane Creek” cw dec Andrews-Simmons Hurricane creek GA
106 R. arborescens- op dec Johnson Tnrose garden – Zo Warner selection seedling – excellent foliage
107 R. arborescens- “Wine springs bald” cw dec Andrews-Simmons “Wine springs Bald”- NC
108 R. arborescens – late form op dec Pace Pace Garden
109 R. atlanticum “Snowbird” op dec Johnson Tnrose Garden
110 R. atlanticum ‘Pink Choptank’ op dec Johnson Tnrose Garden
111 R. atlanticum ‘Purple Choptank’ op dec Kohli Kohli Garden
112 R. atlanticum ‘Yellow Choptank’ op dec Kohli Kohli Garden
113 R. atlanticum ‘Yellow Choptank’ op dec McCorkle McCorkle Garden
113A R. atlanticum ‘1263 Rosa’ R. austrinum 1179 gold hp dec Bauer Bauer Garden Germany
114 R. austrinum – pink, white and yellow mixed op dec Johnson Escambia River(Miller) – Tnrose Garden
115 R. austrinum – “Millie Mac” op dec Pace picotee
116 R. austrinum – pink tetra op dec Johnson grown from Ron Miller seed
117 R. austrinum – pink tetra op dec McCorkle McCorkle Garden
118 R. austrinum – Biltmore op dec Kohli Kohli Garden
118A R. austrinum cw dec Bauer Field #267 Santa Rosa co. FL Escambia River, Delaney River, Webb Landing
118B R. austrinum cw dec Bauer Lee Co. GA Muckalee Creek Field #280
118C R. austrinum cw dec Bauer Field #290  Santa Rosa Co. FL Escambia Delta, White River
118D R. austrinum cw dec Bauer Field   #292  Santa Rosa Co. FL Escambia Delta
119 R. calendulaceum op dec Johnson Snake Mountain Watauga Co NC -dark orange- Tnrose Garden
120 R. calendulaceum “Snake Mnt. Bi-color” op dec Johnson Tnrose Garden
# seed parent pollen parent seed plant donor location, notes
121 R. calendulaceum – Hooper Bald mixed cw dec Andrews-Simmons Hooper Bald NC –
122 R. calendulaceum – ‘Hooper Copper’ cw dec Andrews-Simmons Hooper Bald NC –
123 R. calendulaceum – next to ‘Hooper Copper’ cw dec Andrews-Simmons Hooper Bald NC –
124 R. calendulaceum – Hurricane creek cw dec Andrews-Simmons Hurricane Creek GA
125 R. calendulaceum – Hurricane creek cw dec Andrews-Simmons Hurricane Creek GA – HC004
126 R. calendulaceum – Hurricane creek cw dec Andrews-Simmons Hurricane Creek GA HC026
127 R. calendulaceum – Hurricane creek cw dec Andrews-Simmons Hurricane Creek GA HC028
128 R. calendulaceum – Hurricane creek cw dec Andrews-Simmons Hurricane Creek GA HC0148 yellow
129 R. calendulaceum – Hurricane creek cw dec Andrews-Simmons Hurricane Creek GA “Firehouse”
130 R. calendulaceum – Hurricane creek cw dec Andrews-Simmons Hurricane Creek GA “13 Oaks”
131 R. calendulaceum – ‘Orange-Yellow’ op dec Kohli Kohli Garden
132 R. calendulaceum – Pace #1 op dec Pace Pace Garden
133 R. calendulaceum- Pace#2 op dec Pace Pace Garden
134 R. calendulaceum – Pace# 10 op dec Pace Pace Garden
135 R. calendulaceum – Currahee’ op dec Pace Pace Garden
136 R. calendulaceum – Hooper Bald seedling op dec Perkins Perkins Garden – red
# seed parent pollen parent seed plant donor location, notes
137 R. canescens – ‘Creel’s Confetti’ op dec Creel Creel Garden – split petal fragrant pink
138 R. canescens – ‘Sister JeanE’ op dec Creel Creel Garden – white w/green spotted blotch
139 R. canescens – Hurricane Creek cw dec Andrews-Simmons Hurricane Creek GA
140 R. canescens – Hurricane Creek cw dec Andrews-Simmons Hurricane Creek GA – large seed pods – possible natural hybrid
141 R. canescens _ East Fork Nursery op dec Johnson Tnrose Garden
142 R. colemanii cw dec Bauer Butler Co. AL – Long creek Field # 289
143 R. colemanii op dec Thompson Davis arboretum – Russell Co. AL seed source
144 R. cumberlandense op dec Johnson Seedling from Gregory Bald; compact, almost red
145 R. cumberlandense op dec Johnson F1 Zo selection
146 R. cumberlandense op dec Creel Creel Garden – orange
147 R. cumberlandense op dec Johnson Good red form
148 R. flammeum – “Hazel Hamilton” op dec Kohli Kohli Garden
149 R. flammeum – “Hazel Hamilton” op dec Creel Creel Garden-
150 R. flammeum – ‘Pink Marbles’ op dec Creel Creel Garden- large pink
151 R. flammeum – ‘Red Bank’ op dec Creel Creel Garden- medium red
152 R. flammeum – ‘Tri-color Sarah’ op dec Creel Creel Garden- white w/yellow blotch
153 R. flammeum – op dec Johnson seedling from’Big Orange Truss’
154 R. flammeum – ‘Nicole O’ op dec Pace Sommerville selection
154A R. minus cw evg Bauer Henry Co. AL. Abbie Creek Field #270
# seed parent pollen parent seed plant donor location, notes
155 R. periclymenoides op dec Johnson Tnrose garden- Avery Co. NC – seedling
156 R. periclymenoides op dec Johnson Tnrose garden- Susquehanna river – seedling
157 R. periclymenoides op dec Pace Pace Garden – ‘Creek side’
158 R. periclymenoides “Flat Creek Fuchsia” op dec Creel vivid deep fuchia w/ white standard – non fragrant
159 R. periclymenoides op dec Kohli Kohli Garden
160 R. prunifolium op dec Johnson “cherry red”; Tnrose garden; vigorous grower
161 R. prunifolium op dec Johnson orange; Tnrose garden; vigorous grower – V. Abney seedling
162 R. prunifolium – cw dec Bauer Randolph Co. GA.- Hog creek Field #274
163 R. vaseyi op dec Johnson Dark pink – vigorous seedlings – Zo Warner selection
164 R. vaseyi op dec Pace Pace Garden – “Creek side’
165 R. vaseyi cw dec Andrews-Simmons Toxaway Tower NC
166 R. vaseyi cw dec Andrews-Simmons Blue Ridge PW
167 R. vaseyi cw dec Andrews-Simmons Hwy 107 NC
168 R. vaseyi cw dec Andrews-Simmons Parkway Tunnel
169 R. vaseyi op dec Perkins red
170 R. viscosum var. ‘oblongifolium’ (Sarah Ferguson) op dec Creel white suffused w/pink
171 R. viscosum var. “Hopewell lake seedling” op dec Johnson Tnrose Garden
# seed parent pollen parent seed plant donor location, notes
172 R. viscosum var. aemulans cw dec Bauer Santa Rosa Co. Fl – Black Water River State Park Field #265
173 R. viscosum var. ‘Rosita Pink’ op dec Kohli Kohli Garden
174 Pink Carousel’ op dec Pace Aromi – pink w/gold blotch
175 Skinner 062 op dec Pace Pace Garden
176 Deni’s Delight’ – Choptank hybrid op dec Pace Pace Garden
177 R. arborescens R. prunifolium op dec Pace Pace Garden
178 “Memory of Fred Galle” R. arborecens R. prunifolium op dec Pace Kehr hybrid – Pace Garden
179 Strickland – 26′ op dec Pace Pace Garden
180 Melford Red Letter’ op dec Pace Ilam hrbrid – bright red-Pace Garden
181 Mnt. St. Helen op dec Kohli Kohli Garden
182 Holsumbach hybrid – yellow R. cumberland R. arborescens op dec Kohli Kohli Garden
183 R. arborescens R. cumberland op dec Kohli yellow-pink Kohli Garden
184 Sweet Pink Lady’ op dec Kohli Kohli Garden
185 Early Prune’ R.prunifolium David Ellis’ R. prunifolium op dec Creel Creel Garden-
186 Aromi “Sunstruck” op dec Creel Creel Garden- large yellow and orange
187 Aromi “Glory Be” op dec Creel Creel Garden- large yellow austrinum hybrid
188 “Gold Coast” R. atlanticum R. flammeum op dec Creel Creel Garden-
189 Galle’s “Choice Cream” op dec McCorkle McCorkle Garden
190 Jenny Maphis’ – Strickland E-36 – “Persian Melon” R. austrinum op dec McCorkle McCorkle Garden
# seed parent pollen parent seed plant donor location, notes
191 Jesse Benton’ – Strickland E-25 – R. austrinumxR.atlanticum R. austrinum op dec McCorkle McCorkle Garden
192 “Elizabeth Lane” – Sommervile op dec McCorkle McCorkle Garden
193 Choptank River Fragrant Star op dec McCorkle ( Perkins hrbrid seedling) McCorkle Garden
194 Canobie coocheecoo Fragrant Star op dec McCorkle ( Perkins hrbrid seedling) McCorkle Garden
195 R. calendulaceum R. atlanticum op dec Bauer Bauer hybrid S-315 — Bauer Garden
196 R. calendulaceum R. atlanticum op dec Bauer Bauer hybrid S-316 — Bauer Garden
197 R. calendulaceum R. atlanticum op dec Bauer Bauer hybrid S-317 — Bauer Garden
198 R. calendulaceum R. atlanticum op dec Bauer Bauer hybrid S-318 — Bauer Garden
199 R. atlanticum R. calendulaceum op dec Bauer Bauer hybrid S-319 — Bauer Garden
200 R. natural hybrid azalea – Zo Warner op dec Johnson “WB7” – White/yellow blotch very fragrant – mid June
201 R. natural hybrid azalea – Zo Warner op dec Johnson “WB1” F1 Zo – salmon/yellow blotch; Non fragrant
202 R. natural hybrid azalea – Zo Warner op dec Johnson “WB8” F1 Zo – rosy pink/yellow blotch – large blooms/truss –
203 R. natural hybrid azalea – Zo Warner op dec Johnson “SP16” – Pink/yellow blotch very fragrant – early June
204 R. natural hybrid azalea – Zo Warner op dec Johnson “Honey” – Deep rosey pink – non fragrant
205 R. natural hybrid azalea – Zo Warner op dec Johnson “ZS1-UR” Yellow/yellow blotch – fragrant
206 R. natural hybrid azalea – Zo Warner op dec Johnson F1 Zo – Striped pink – very fragrant – aka “Miss Lindy”
207 R. natural hybrid azalea – Zo Warner op dec Johnson “Good Garden Pink” – non-fragrant – large blooms pink – yellow blotch
208 R. natural hybrid azalea – Zo Warner op dec Johnson “Dottie” F1 Zo – pink yellow blotch
# seed parent pollen parent seed plant donor location, notes
209 R. natural hybrid azalea – Zo Warner op dec Johnson F1 Zo – Vivian’s Pick – white/pale pink slight fragrance
210 R. natural hybrid azalea – Zo Warner op dec Johnson F2 Zo – Miss Lindy seedling – very fragrant – pastle colors
211 R. natural hybrid azalea – Zo Warner op dec Johnson “J’s Fav”- arborecens hybrid- very fragrant – small pink blooms
212 R. natural hybrid azalea – Zo Warner op dec Johnson “CB10” F! Zo; Pale yellow w/yellow blotch – fragrant – excellent foliage
213 R. natural hybrid azalea – Zo Warner op dec Johnson “Rose truss” F1 Zo cumberland hybrid
214 R. natural hybrid azalea – Zo Warner op dec Johnson “Pink atlanticum” F1 Zo atlanticum hybrid
215 “Golden Eagle” (R. alabamensex exbury) Chetco’ op dec Thompson Davis Arboretum – Auburm Azalea series –
216 “Plainsman” R. austrinum Gibralter’ op dec Thompson Davis Arboretum – Auburm Azalea series –
217 AUDA012055 Exbury R. alabamense op dec Thompson Davis Arboretum – Auburm Azalea series –
218 R. prunifolium – Late Pride selection R. prunifolium S.D. Coleman hp dec Ryan David G. Leach Research Station – Ohio
219 R. prunifolium S.D. Coleman R. canescens – Varnadoe’s phlox pink hp dec Ryan David G. Leach Research Station – Ohio
Perkin Hybrids hp dec Perkins Perkins Garden
2x X 2x
220 R. arborescens “Creel’s Early” R. flammeum EK hp dec Perkins Perkins Garden
221 arborescens “Wayah Bald” R.alabamense AU hp dec Perkins Perkins Garden
222 arborescens “Wayah Bald” Canobie Campfire hp dec Perkins Perkins Garden
# seed parent pollen parent seed plant donor location, notes
223 R. arborescens “White Lightning” R. eastmanii (Creel) hp dec Perkins Perkins Garden
224 R. canescens Creel R. flammeum EK hp dec Perkins Perkins Garden
225 Canobie Showers Bedrock Red hp dec Perkins Perkins Garden
226 Canobie Showers Ribbon Candy hp dec Perkins Perkins Garden
227 Creekside Bedrock Red hp dec Perkins Perkins Garden
228 R. cumberlandense’Camp’s red’ Weston’s Lollipop’ hp dec Perkins Perkins Garden
229 R. cumberlandense – Gregory Bald Bedrock Red hp dec Perkins Perkins Garden
230 R. eastmanii (Creel) (cumberlandensexviscosum) hp dec Perkins Perkins Garden
231 R. flammeum Nesmith Nursery Red Canobie Candy hp dec Perkins Perkins Garden
232 R. flammeum – Nesmith Nursery Red R. periclymenoides Plainview hp dec Perkins Perkins Garden
234 July Jubilation R. alabamense AU hp dec Perkins Perkins Garden
235 Memory of Fred Galle R. flammeum EK hp dec Perkins Perkins Garden
236 R. periclymenoides Plainview R. flammeum ‘Jack Melton hp dec Perkins Perkins Garden
237 R. periclymenoides Plainview R. flammeum Nesmith Nursery Red hp dec Perkins Perkins Garden
238 R. prinophyllum EFN R. flammeum EK hp dec Perkins Perkins Garden
239 R. prunifolium A Sandy Rhododendron R. flammeum AuburnRG hp dec Perkins Perkins Garden
240 R. prunifolium – Callaway R. prunifolium A Sandy Rhododendron hp dec Perkins Perkins Garden
# seed parent pollen parent seed plant donor location, notes
241 R. prunifolium – Callaway R. punifolium Hohman hp dec Perkins Perkins Garden
242 R. punifolium Hohman R. flammeum AuburnRG hp dec Perkins Perkins Garden
243 Summer Eylet R. alabamense AU hp dec Perkins Perkins Garden
244 R. viscosum ‘Montanum’ R. cumberlandense ‘Camp’s red’ hp dec Perkins Perkins Garden
245 R. flammeum Walter Ligon R. flammeum ‘Jack Melton hp dec Perkins Perkins Garden
Perkins Garden 2x X 4x hp dec Perkins Perkins Garden
246 (R.prunifoliumxR. arborescens) Lazy Garden Rainbow hp dec Perkins Perkins Garden
247 R. alabamense – Holden Arneson’s Gem hp dec Perkins Perkins Garden
248 R. alabamense – Holden R. luteum Golden Comet hp dec Perkins Perkins Garden
249 R. alabamense – Holden Golden Lights hp dec Perkins Perkins Garden
250 R. canescens – Creel Cherokee hp dec Perkins Perkins Garden
251 R. canescens – Roslyn Arneson’s Gem hp dec Perkins Perkins Garden
252 Canobie Candy Arneson’s Gem hp dec Perkins Perkins Garden
253 Creekside My Mary’ hp dec Perkins Perkins Garden
254 R. cumberlandense – orange Westin’s Garden Rainbow hp dec Perkins Perkins Garden
255 R. eastmanii – Creel R. calendulaceum Hooper Bald yellow hp dec Perkins Perkins Garden
256 Gregory Bald#1 Garden Rainbow hp dec Perkins Perkins Garden
257 R. flammeum ‘Jack Melton My Mary’ hp dec Perkins Perkins Garden
# seed parent pollen parent seed plant donor location, notes
258 Jane Abbott R. luteum Golden Comet hp dec Perkins Perkins Garden
259 R.periclymenoides – App Spring Arneson’s Gem hp dec Perkins Perkins Garden
260 R.periclymenoides – App Spring R. luteum Golden Comet hp dec Perkins Perkins Garden
261 R. peryiclymenoides Cumberland plateau R. luteum Golden Comet hp dec Perkins Perkins Garden
262 R. prinophyllum EFN Arneson’s Gem hp dec Perkins Perkins Garden
263 R. prinophyllum EFN R.calendalaceum Cherokee hp dec Perkins Perkins Garden
264 R. prinophyllum EFN R.calendalaceum Dawn at the River hp dec Perkins Perkins Garden
265 R. prunifolium – A Sandy Rhododendron R. colemanii yellow AU hp dec Perkins Perkins Garden
266 R. prunifolium – Girard R. colemanii yellow AU hp dec Perkins Perkins Garden
267 R. punifolium Hohman My Mary’ hp dec Perkins Perkins Garden
268 R. flammeum – Walter Ligon Arneson’s Gem hp dec Perkins Perkins Garden
Perkins Garden 4x X 4x
269 Apricot Surprise R. calendulaceum – Smokey Mountaineer hp dec Perkins Perkins Garden
270 R. atlanticum MD R. calendulaceum Molten Lava hp dec Perkins Perkins Garden
271 Canobie Coocheecoo R. calendulaceum – Smokey Mountaineer hp dec Perkins Perkins Garden
272 Canobie Coocheecoo Apricot Surprise hp dec Perkins Perkins Garden
273 R.calendalaceum Cherokee R.calendalaceum Dawn at the River hp dec Perkins Perkins Garden
274 R.calendalaceum Dawn at the River R. atlanticum – Marydel hp dec Perkins Perkins Garden
275 Lady Roseberry Arneson’s Gem hp dec Perkins Perkins Garden
276 Lady Roseberry R. calendulaceum – Smokey Mountaineer hp dec Perkins Perkins Garden
277 R. luteum Golden Comet Arneson’s Gem hp dec Perkins Perkins Garden
278 R. atlanticum – Marydel Weston’s Magic hp dec Perkins Perkins Garden
279 My Mary Golden Lights hp dec Perkins Perkins Garden
280 Not Brick Dust Arneson’s Gem hp dec Perkins Perkins Garden
281 Not Brick Dust R.calendalaceum Cherokee hp dec Perkins Perkins Garden
282 Not Brick Dust Spring Rainbow hp dec Perkins Perkins Garden
283 Weston’s Magic R. atlanticum – Marydel hp dec Perkins Perkins Garden
284 Weston’s Magic My Mary’ hp dec Perkins Perkins Garden
285 Weston’s Magic Weston’s Garden Rainbow hp dec Perkins Perkins Garden
Perkins Garden 6x X 4x
286 (R. atlanticumxFragrant Star) R. austrinum – pink Gulf Breeze hp dec Perkins Perkins Garden
287 (ChickasawxFragrant Star) R. luteum Golden Comet hp dec Perkins
Perkins Garden 6x X 6x
288 (My MaryxMarydel)xFragrant Star CherokeexFragrant Star hp dec Perkins Perkins Garden
289 (Parks Deep PinkxMy Mary)xCherokee) Spring Rainbow hp dec Perkins Perkins Garden
290 (Parks Deep PinkxMy Mary)xSmokey Mnteer R. calendulaceum Molten Lava hp dec Perkins Perkins Garden
291 ((R. flammeumxSnowbird)xSmokey Mnteer) R.calendalaceum Dawn at the River hp dec Perkins Perkins Garden
292 Gibraltar op dec Johnson Exbury azalea – Tnrose Garden
293 R. sanctum op dec Perkins Asian species azalea
294 Fawn op evg Pace Glenn Dale- lavender pink
295 Trinket’ op evg Pace Glenn Dale pink
296 Prudence op evg Pace Glenn Dale pink
297 Jubilant op evg Pace Glenn Dale ,red,
298 Martha Hitchcock’ op evg Pace Glenn Dale orange red flowers
299 Copperman op evg Pace
300 George L. Taber op evg Pace S. Indica – white/pale pink – red blotch
301 Daphne’ op evg Pace Kurume – white-red-purple
302 Nannie Angel’ op evg Pace Switzer hybrid – white strap pedal
303 R. kiusianum – Hinode op evg Pace
304 Kehr – LP 10 op evg Pace Pace Garden
305 Kehr – 351 op evg Pace Pace Garden
306 R. minus cw evg Bauer Clay Co. AL – Kolomoki creek
307 R. minus cw evg Bauer Randolf Co. GA – Hog creek
308 R. minus cw evg Andrews- Simmons Toxaway NC
309 R. maximum – Curtis Creek red max seedling op evg Johnson pink – strong red blotch
310 Peris floribunda cw evg Andrews- Simmons Parkway
311 Kalmia latifolia op evg Johnson good form – pink flowers
Nomenclature: (by example) x132 = sold out seed lot
Ghent azalea [no quotes] = species; unnamed member of a named hybrid group; or a description
‘Midnight Flare’ [single quotes] = accepted name (printed in a dated publication, may or may not be registered)
“Red Max” [double quotes] = unpublished working name, used by the seed contributor and possibly by others
R. viscosum ‘Summer Eyelet’ = named clone of a species azalea
(2Nx2N), (2Nx4N); (4Nx4N) = ploidy of the seed parent and pollen parent
(s) = note refers to seed parent
(p) = note refers to pollen parent
Patrick Thompson – Davis Arboretum — Auburn Al
Connor Ryan – Ohio – Holden Forest and Gardens
Charlie Andrews -Cummings, GA
Leon Pace – Hendersonville, NC
John Simmons – Spartanburg SC
Ralf Bauer – Offenberg GE
Kevin McCorkle – Charlotte NC
Mike Creel – Lexington, SC
Lindy Johnson – Trade, TN
John & Sally Perkins – Salem, NH
John Kohli – Dahlonega GA
Errors of any kind: Please bring to the attention of Dave Banks