2021 Azalea Seed List


| Orders | Nomenclature | Seed donors |


Starting January 1st, seed is distributed to ASA members and contributors on a first come, first served basis. Starting March 1st, seed is distributed to anyone on a first come, first served basis. The seed lots are in alphabetic order by seed parent name. All seed not distributed before the annual convention will be offered for sale there.

Seed is packaged approximately 50 seeds in a #1 coin envelope, at a cost of $2.00 per envelope. U.S. shipping and handling costs are an additional $3.00 per total order. Seed orders will be sent by first class mail.

Orders from outside the U,S, will cost more to ship, and probably will require a phytosanitary certificate. We are exploring the easiest and most cost effective way to do this. At present, it appears that group orders (by a single chapter, for example) may be the answer.

A bold crossed out number such as 132 shows that seed lot is sold out and should not be ordered. Seed from previous years is not available even though the numbers on those lists may not be crossed out.

Click on Azalea Seed List to download the seed list as a Microsoft Excel document.

Ordering by mail/email & paying with a check

Orders can be placed by e-mail (paying with PayPal™—below) to Lindy Johnson or by a letter (enclosing a check) addressed to

Lindy Johnson
843 Wallace Rd
Trade TN 37691

Seed orders can be paid for with checks made out to “ASA” with “seed exchange” on the memo line. Payment must accompany the order. Refunds will not be made for less than $4.00.

Ordering online & paying with a credit card or PayPal™

  • Review the list of seeds, making a note of the # before each desired packet.
  • When you have your selections, enter the numbers, comma separated, in the box titled “Seed Packet Numbers, comma separated“. For example, 101,111,121, etc.
  • If ordering more than one of a packet number, include the quantity in parenthesis after the packet number; e.g., 123(3)
  • NOTE: If you are ordering more than 25 packet numbers, put a comment in the box for the packet numbers that you will provide the packet numbers by a separate email. Then, when you get the order acknowledgement email, reply-all to the email and include the full packet number list.
  • After you have entered all the packet numbers in the box, ONLY ONCE click the orange “Add to Cart” button.
  • That will take you to PayPal™, where you need to change the “quantity” to match the number of packets ordered ($2.00 each).
  • Then click either the orange “PayPal Check out” button if you have a PayPal account, OR the grey “Check Out” button if you do not have a PayPal account and wish to enter credit card information.


# seed parent pollen parent seed plant donor location, notes
101 R. alabamense “Creel’s Alabammy” op dec Creel Creel Garden -ball trusses
102 R. alabamense op dec Pace Pace Garden
103 R. alabamense – “Schwind’s Yellow” op dec Creel Creel Garden -large blooms and yellow blotch
104 R. arborescens “Hurricane Creek” cw dec Andrews/Simmons Hurricane creek GA
105 R. arborescens- op dec Johnson Tnrose garden – Zo Warner selection seedling – excellent foliage
106 R. arborescens- ‘Creek Side’ op dec McCorkle Bartlett Research Arboretum –
107 R. arborescens -Sex 99-363 op dec McCorkle Bartlett Research Arboretum – Rarefind nursery 2005
108 R. arborescens – late form cw dec Miller Coosa Co. AL – (improperly called georgianum)
109 R. atlanticum “Marion County Trio” op dec Creel Creel Garden – 3 cutting grown plants
110 R. atlanticum “Snowbird” op dec Johnson Tnrose Garden
111 R. austrinum
‘Don’s Varigated’
op dec McCorkle Barlett Research Arboretum
112 R. austrinum – multi color cw dec Miller Santa Rosa Co AL
113 R. austrinum – eglandular form cw dec Miller George Co MS
114 R. austrinum – pink and yellow mixed op dec Johnson Escambia River(Miller) – Tnrose Garden
# seed parent pollen parent seed plant donor location, notes
115 R. austrinum – Varnadoe ‘Moonbeam” op dec McCorkle Barlett Research Arboretum
116 R. austrinum – “Millie Mac” op dec McCorkle picotee
117 R. austrinum – pink tetra op dec Johnson grown from Ron Miller seed
118 R. calendulaceum op dec Johnson Snake Mountain Watauga Co NC -dark orange- Tnrose Garden
119 R. calendulaceum “Snake Mnt. Bi-color” op dec Johnson Tnrose Garden
120 R. calendulaceum – Hooper Bald mixed cw dec Andrews/Simmons Hooper Bald NC –
121 R. calendulaceum – Hurricane creek cw dec Andrews/Simmons Hurricane Creek GA
122 R. canadense cw dec Perkins Amherst NH
123 R. canescens – Hurricane Creek cw dec Andrews/Simmons Hurricane Creek GA
124 R. canescens _ East Fork Nursery op dec Johnson
125 R. cumberlandense op dec Johnson Seedling from Gregory Bald; compact, almost red
126 R. cumberlandense op dec Johnson F1 Zo selection
127 R. eastmanii – Lynch’s Woods cw dec Simmons Newberry SC
128 R. eastmanii – “North Wall” op dec Creel Creel Garden- group of 3 plants – produces pure seed
# seed parent pollen parent seed plant donor location, notes
129 R. flammeum – “Hazel Hamilton” op dec Pace Pace Garden
130 R. flammeum – “Clyde Red” op dec Creel Creel Garden- purest deepest red flammeum
131 R. flammeum – “Nicole-O” op dec Pace Summerville selection – Pace Garden
132 R. periclymenoides op dec Johnson Tnrose garden- Avery Co. seedling
133 R. periclymenoides ‘Appalachian Spring’ op dec Pace Pace Garden
134 R. periclymenoides “Flat Creek Fuchia” op dec Creel vivid deep fuchia w/ white standard – non fragrant
135 R. prunifolium op dec Johnson “cherry red”; Tnrose garden; vigorous grower
136 R. prunifolium op dec Johnson orange; Tnrose garden; vigorous grower – V. Abney seedling
137 R. prunifolium – S 245 hp dec Bauer 4 pollen parents Providence Canyon Stewart Co GA
138 R. serrulatum cw dec Miller Santa Rosa Co AL
139 R. sanctum op dec McCorkle Barlett Research Arboretum
140 R. vaseyi op dec Johnson Dark pink – vigorous seedlings – Zo Warner selection
141 R. vaseyi (White ) op dec Pace Pase Garden
# seed parent pollen parent seed plant donor location, notes
142 R. viscosum var. ‘Summer Eyelet’ op dec McCorkle Barlett Research Arboretum plant source Camiellia Forest
143 R. viscosum var. ‘Summer Eyelet’ op dec Pace Pace Garden
144 R. viscosum var. “Hopewell lake” op dec Johnson Tnrose Garden
145 R. viscosum var. ‘Delaware Blue’ op dec McCorkle Barlett Research Arboretum
146 R. viscosum var. aemulans cw dec Miller Sabine Co. TX
147 Gregory Bald Seedling op dec Pace Doley Bell Garden
148 Gregory Bald Seedling op dec Pace natural hybrid
149 Admiral Semmes op dec Pace Dodd
149a Admiral Semmes op dec McCorkle Bartlett Research Arboretum
150 Pink Carousel’ op dec Pace Aromi
151 “Vivian’s Welfare Baby” op dec Johnson pastel pinks-very fragrant – (Skinner hybrid???) – atlanticum type
152 R. natural hybrid azalea – Zo Warner op dec Johnson “WB1” F1 Zo – salmon/yellow blotch; Non fragrant
153 R. natural hybrid azalea – Zo Warner op dec Johnson “WB8” F1 Zo – rosy pink/yellow blotch – large blooms/truss –
154 R. natural hybrid azalea – Zo Warner op dec Johnson “SP16” – Pink/yellow blotch very fragrant – early June
155 R. natural hybrid azalea – Zo Warner op dec Johnson “Honey” – Deep rosey pink – non fragrant
156 R. natural hybrid azalea – Zo Warner op dec Johnson “ZS1-UR” Yellow/yellow blotch – fragrant
157 R. natural hybrid azalea – Zo Warner op dec Johnson F1 Zo – Striped pink – very fragrant – aka “Miss Lindy”
158 R. natural hybrid azalea – Zo Warner op dec Johnson “Good Garden Pink” – non-fragrant – large blooms pink – yellow blotch
# seed parent pollen parent seed plant donor location, notes
159 R. natural hybrid azalea – Zo Warner op dec Johnson “Dottie” F1 Zo – pink yellow blotch
160 R. natural hybrid azalea – Zo Warner op dec Johnson F1 Zo – Vivian’s Pick – white/pale pink slight fragrance
161 R. natural hybrid azalea – Zo Warner op dec Johnson F2 Zo – Miss Lindy seedling – very fragrant – pastle colors
162 R. natural hybrid azalea – Zo Warner op dec Johnson “J’s Fav”. – arborecens hybrid- very fragrant – small pink blooms
163 R. natural hybrid azalea – Zo Warner op dec Johnson “CB10” F! Zo; Pale yellow w/yellow blotch – fragrant – excellent foliage
164 R. natural hybrid azalea – Zo Warner op dec Johnson “10UR” red/orange F1 Zo cumberland hybrid
165 R. “Summer Lyric” – Beasley op dec McCorkle Barlett Research Arboretum
166 R. ‘Galle’s Choice’ op dec McCorkle McCorkle Garden
Perkin Hybrids hp dec Perkins Perkins Garden
2x X 2x
167 arborescens “Early” canescens LI hp dec Perkins Perkins Garden
168 arborescens “Wayah Bald” Canobie Campfire hp dec Perkins Perkins Garden
169 canescens LI prunifolium ASR hp dec Perkins Perkins Garden
170 Canobie Candy arborescens “Early” hp dec Perkins Perkins Garden
171 Canobie Candy prunifolium ASR hp dec Perkins Perkins Garden


periclymenoides “Appalachian Spring” prunifolium ASR hp dec Perkins Perkins Garden
# seed parent pollen parent seed plant donor location, notes
173 periclymenoides Cumberland plateau arborescens “Early” hp dec Perkins Perkins Garden
174 periclymenoides ARS 2002 prunifolium ASR hp dec Perkins Perkins Garden
175 prinophyllum EFN arborescens “Early” hp dec Perkins Perkins Garden
176 prinophyllum EFN prunifolium ASR hp dec Perkins Perkins Garden
177 prunifolium Holman prunifolium ASR hp dec Perkins Perkins Garden
178 serrulatum prunifolium Holman hp dec Perkins Perkins Garden
179 serrulatum Sweet September’ hp dec Perkins Perkins Garden
180 Sweet September’ Joan Smith” x arborescens hp dec Perkins Perkins Garden
181 Wayah Crest eastmanii Creel hp dec Perkins Perkins Garden
Perkin Hybrids hp dec Perkins Perkins Garden
182 arborescens “Early” Arneson’s Gem hp dec Perkins Perkins Garden
183 arborescens “Early” calendalaceum Cherokee hp dec Perkins Perkins Garden
184 arborescens “Early” Canobie Coocheecoo hp dec Perkins Perkins Garden
185 arborescens “Early” Golden Lights hp dec Perkins Perkins Garden
186 arborescens “Early” Weston’s Magic hp dec Perkins Perkins Garden
187 arborescens “Early” Lady Rosebery hp dec Perkins Perkins Garden
188 arborescens “Early” luteum Golden Comet hp dec Perkins Perkins Garden
188 alabamense Holden Apricot Surprise hp dec Perkins Perkins Garden
189 seed parent pollen parent seed plant donor location, notes
190 alabamense Holden luteum Golden Comet hp dec Perkins Perkins Garden
191 alabamense Holden My Mary’ hp dec Perkins Perkins Garden
192 arborescens JB calendulaceum Molten Lava hp dec Perkins Perkins Garden
193 canescens Creel Dawn at the River hp dec Perkins Perkins Garden
194 canescens Creel Lady Rosebery hp dec Perkins Perkins Garden
195 canescens LI austrinum escambia river pink hp dec Perkins Perkins Garden
196 canescens LI Dawn at the River hp dec Perkins Perkins Garden
197 canescens LI My Mary’ hp dec Perkins Perkins Garden
198 Canobie Candy Arneson’s Gem hp dec Perkins Perkins Garden
199 Canobie Candy calendulaceum MC multicolor hp dec Perkins Perkins Garden
200 Canobie Candy luteum Golden Comet hp dec Perkins Perkins Garden
201 Canobie Frosting Arneson’s Gem hp dec Perkins Perkins Garden
202 Canobie Frosting Golden Lights hp dec Perkins Perkins Garden
203 Canobie Frosting luteum Golden Comet hp dec Perkins Perkins Garden
204 cumberlandense orange calendulaceum Molten Lava hp dec Perkins Perkins Garden
205 cumberlandense orange atlanticum Marydel hp dec Perkins Perkins Garden
# seed parent pollen parent seed plant donor location, notes
206 cumberlandense red Molten Lava – calendulaceum hp dec Perkins Perkins Garden
207 cumberlandense red atlanticum Marydel hp dec Perkins Perkins Garden
208 cumberlandense red Golden Lights hp dec Perkins Perkins Garden
209 (cumberlandense x viscosum) Arneson’s Gem hp dec Perkins Perkins Garden
210 (cumberlandense x viscosum) austrinum escambia river pink hp dec Perkins Perkins Garden
211 (cumberlandense x viscosum) calendulaceum Molten Lava hp dec Perkins Perkins Garden
212 (cumberlandense x viscosum) calendalaceum Hooper orange hp dec Perkins Perkins Garden
213 (cumberlandense x viscosum) calendalaceum Hooper red hp dec Perkins Perkins Garden
214 (cumberlandense x viscosum) Choptank Rose hp dec Perkins Perkins Garden
215 (cumberlandense x viscosum) My Mary’ hp dec Perkins Perkins Garden
216 periclymenoides ARS 2002 calendulaceum MC multicolor hp dec Perkins Perkins Garden
217 periclymenoides ARS 2002 luteum Golden Comet hp dec Perkins Perkins Garden
218 periclymenoides Cumberland plateau austrinum escambia river early hp dec Perkins Perkins Garden
219 periclymenoides Cumberland plateau calendulaceum Cherokee hp dec Perkins Perkins Garden
# seed parent pollen parent seed plant donor location, notes
220 periclymenoides Cumberland plateau Dawn at the River hp dec Perkins Perkins Garden
221 prinophyllum EFN calendulaceum MC multicolor hp dec Perkins Perkins Garden
222 prunifolium Girard Lady Barbara hp dec Perkins Perkins Garden
223 viscosum Summer Eyelet atlanticum Marydel hp dec Perkins Perkins Garden
Perkins Hybrids
2x X 6x
224 prunifolium Girard atlanticum x Fragrantstar hp dec Perkins Perkins Garden
Perkin Hybrids
4x OP
225 Skinner 166Ax Smoky Mountaineer OP op dec Perkins Perkins Garden
4x X 4x
226 calendulaceum Cherokee Dawn at the River hp dec Perkins Perkins Garden
227 calendulaceum Cherokee Spring Rainbow hp dec Perkins Perkins Garden
228 calendulaceum Cherokee Skinner 166Ax Smoky Mountaineer hp dec Perkins Perkins Garden
229 Dawn at the River My Mary’ hp dec Perkins Perkins Garden
230 Dawn at the River calendalaceum Cherokee hp dec Perkins Perkins Garden
231 Smoky Mountaineer Pleasant Progress hp dec Perkins Perkins Garden
# seed parent pollen parent seed plant donor location, notes
232 Garden Rainbow calendulaceum Molten Lava hp dec Perkins Perkins Garden
233 Garden Rainbow Pleasant Progress hp dec Perkins Perkins Garden
234 Weston’s Magic Pleasant Progress hp dec Perkins Perkins Garden
235 Weston’s Magic calendulaceum Molten Lava hp dec Perkins Perkins Garden
Perkin Hybrids
4x X 6x
236 Apricot Surprise calendalaceum Cherokee x Fragrant Star hp dec Perkins Perkins Garden
237 Garden Rainbow Canobie Coocheecoo x Fragrant Star hp dec Perkins Perkins Garden
238 Weston’s Magic calendalaceum Cherokee x Fragrant Star hp dec Perkins Perkins Garden
239 Weston’s Magic Canobie Coocheecoo x Fragrant Star hp dec Perkins Perkins Garden
5x X 4x
240 (Chickasaw x Fragrant Star) x (Narcissiflora OP) luteum Golden Comet hp dec Perkins Perkins Garden
Perkin Hybrids
6x X 4x
241 calendulaceum Cherokee x Fragrant Star Arneson’s Gem hp dec Perkins Perkins Garden
242 calendulaceum Cherokee x Fragrant Star Gold Brick – Not hp dec Perkins Perkins Garden
243 calendulaceum Cherokee x Fragrant Star Spring Rainbow Perkins Garden
244 (Chickasaw x Fragrant Star) Arneson’s Gem hp dec Perkins Perkins Garden
245 (Chickasaw x Fragrant Star) Gold Brick – Not hp dec Perkins Perkins Garden
246 (Chickasaw x Fragrant Star) Golden Lights hp dec Perkins Perkins Garden
247 (Chickasaw x Fragrant Star) arborescens “White lightning” hp dec Perkins Perkins Garden
248 (Chickasaw x Fragrant Star) Lady Rosebery hp dec Perkins Perkins Garden
249 (Chickasaw x Fragrant Star) My Mary’ hp dec Perkins Perkins Garden
250 (Chickasaw x Fragrant Star) Skinner 166Ax Smoky Mountaineer hp dec Perkins Perkins Garden
251 (Chickasaw x Fragrant Star) Spring Rainbow hp dec Perkins Perkins Garden
# seed parent pollen parent seed plant donor
252 Tanager’ op evg Pace Glenn Dale red mid-season
253 Trinket’ op evg Pace Glenn Dale pink,white mid-season
254 Morning Star op evg Pace Glenn Dale pink, early
255 Acrobat’ op evg Pace Glenn Dale purple, red, white late-mid
256 Martha Hitchcock’ op evg Pace Glenn Dale purple-mid season
257 Sherwood Red op evg Pace Kurume
258 Sherwood Orchid op evg Pace Kurume
259 Iwa To Kagami op evg Pace Kurume
260 Unknown pink Kurume op evg Pace Kurume
261 Daphne’ op evg Pace Kurume – white-red-purple
262 Stewartstonian’ op evg Pace Gable Hybrid- brick red
263 J Valentine’ op evg Pace Harris Hybrid- single large red
264 Nannie Angel’ op evg Pace Switzer hybrid – white strap pedal
265 Elise Nerfleet’ op evg Pace Backacres hybrid – pink, pink light red
266 Painted Lips’ op evg Pace Back Acres Hybrid- very light pink with strong red to hot pink margins and a red blotch
267 Painted Tips op evg Pace Back Acres Hybrid- white-pink tips
268 St James x Janet Rhea op evg Pace Back Acres Hybrid- white-pink tips
269 Chizan’ op evg Pace Satsuki – late mid season – pink – dwarf
270 Yuka op evg Pace N.Tisbury satsuki – white
271 R. kiusianum – Fugen-No-Tsuki op evg Pace red purple
272 R. kiusianum op evg Pace unkown bi-color
273 R. kiusianum op evg Pace red
# seed parent pollen parent seed plant donor
274 Kehr – LP 4 op evg Pace Pace Garden
275 Kehr – LP 13 op evg Pace Pace Garden
276 Kehr – LP 14 op evg Pace Pace Garden
277 Koromo Shikibu – op evg Pace R macrosepalum var Linearifolium
278 R. mariesii op dec Pace Pace Garden
279 R. ‘Calsap’ op evg Pace white purple blotch
280 R. maximum – Curtis Creek red max seedling op evg Johnson pink – strong red blotch
281 Anita Keummels op dec Creel large yellow – Exbury Hotspur x R. Austrinum
282 Kalmia latifolia cw evg Miller xeric Souther form – Monroe Co AL
283 Lilium iridoaelle; panhandle lily Creel


Nomenclature: (by example)
x132 = sold out seed lot
Ghent azalea [no quotes] = species; unnamed member of a named hybrid group; or a description
‘Midnight Flare’ [single quotes] = accepted name (printed in a dated publication, may or may not be registered)
“Red Max” [double quotes] = unpublished working name, used by the seed contributor and possibly by others
R. viscosum ‘Summer Eyelet’ = named clone of a species azalea
(2Nx2N), (2Nx4N); (4Nx4N) = ploidy of the seed parent and pollen parent
(s) = note refers to seed parent
(p) = note refers to pollen parent

Charlie Andrews – Cummings, GA
Leon Pace – Hendersonville, NC
John Simmons – Spartanburg SC
Ralf Bauer – Offenberg GE
Ron Miller – Pensacola, FL
Kevin McCorkle – Charlotte NC
Mike Creel – Lexington, SC
Lindy Johnson – Trade, TN
John & Sally Perkins – Salem, NH

Errors of any kind:  Please bring to the attention of Dave Banks  webmaster@azaleas.org