
In 1979, a number of azalea collectors and hybridizers interested in sharing and improving the knowledge of azaleas founded the Azalea Society of America
as a non-profit educational and scientific society. The Society goals are to:

  • promote knowledge of and interest in azaleas
  • provide a forum for the sharing of experiences and the dissemination of techniques of hybridizing, propagation and culture of azaleas
  • promote the proper description and registration of new azalea hybrids and selections
  • conduct studies and communicate with the members through publications and meetings
  • bring together all those whose interest in and appreciation of azaleas
    form a bond of friendship.

The Society has national officers and committees for overall structure and direction, along with a number of chapters to provide meetings, lectures, seminars,
plant sales, auctions and exchanges, and fellowship at the local level. National membership includes membership in one of the local chapters, with At-Large
affiliation for those members not joining a local chapter. Guests are always welcome at the local chapter meetings.

The programs of the Society are designed to meet the needs of home gardeners, collectors and horticultural students, as well as nurserymen, hybridizers and landscape architects. Our primary publication is a quarterly journal, The Azalean,   which is the Society forum for members and others to share their observations on azalea culture, garden design, hybridization, propagation, new azaleas, and chapter activities.

Each spring, one of our local chapters hosts an annual convention to immerse our members and friends in a long weekend of azalea activities, including a brief national business meeting. Each convention features tours of excellent local gardens during the day, renowned speakers in the evening, and ongoing sales of azaleas and companion plants.

See the Conventions page for more information.

The Society contact information is Azalea Society of America
Leslie Nanney, Secretary   703-644-5651
8646 Tuttle Road
Springfield VA 22152