Starting January 1st, seed is distributed to ASA members and contributors on a first come, first served basis. Starting March 1st, seed is distributed to anyone on a first come, first served basis. All seed not distributed before the annual convention will be offered for sale there.

Seed collected in 2024 is packaged approximately 50 seeds in a #1 coin envelope, at a cost of $3.00 per envelope. Seed collected in 2023 and earlier is available for $2.00 per envelope. U.S. shipping and handling costs are an additional $5.00 per total order. Seed orders will be sent by first class mail.

You must first register or login if you wish to order seeds.
Packet # Seed Parent Pollen Parent Type Plant Contributor Notes
1 0Red DemonWallowa RedhpdecGriffith
2 0Robert E. LeeWallowa RedhpdecGriffith
3 0R. flammeum 'Kelly's Red'Wallowa RedhpdecGriffith
4 0R. flammeum 'Kelly's RedElectric Lights RedhpdecGriffith
5 0R. flammeum 'Jake's RedR. prunifolium 'Good Red'hpdecGriffith
6 0Electric Lights RedRadiant RedhpdecGriffith
7 0Radiant RedWallowa RedhpdecGriffith
8 0Radiant RedElectric Lights RedhpdecGriffith
9 0High TideNorthern High LightshpdecGriffith
10 0Wallowa RedRed DemonhpdecGriffith
11 0Wallowa RedElectric Lights RedhpdecGriffith
12 0(Delbert's Orange x Wallowa Red)Wallowa RedhpdecGriffith
13 0(R. cumberlandense x R. prunifolium 'Jamies Red')R. prunifolium 'Good Red'hpdecGriffith
14 0R. cumberlandense 'Rings Red'R. prunifolium 'Good Red'hpdecGriffithPatricia Phillips Cross
15 0R. cumberlandense 'Good Red'R. cumberlandense 'Red from Vivian Abney'hpdecGriffithPatricia Phillips cross
16 0R. prunifolium 'Good Red'R. cumberlandense 'Rings Red'hpdecGriffithreds summer flowering
18 0Pink ChoptankopdecJohnson
19 0R. arborescensopdecJohnsonAllen's Arb Dark Foliage
20 0R. austrinumopdecJohnsonPinks seedling grown from Escambia RiverDelta
21 0R. austrinumopdecJohnsonLate Yellow Good Fall Color
22 0R. austrinumopdecJohnsonyellow seedling grown from Escambia River Delta
23 0R. austrinumopdecJohnsonMixed Pinks and Yellows Ron Miller Seed Source
24 0R. calendulaceumopdecJohnsonyellow Snake Mt. Watauga County
25 0R. calendulaceumopdecJohnsonorange Snake Mt. Watauga County
26 0R. canescensopdecJohnsonEast Fork Nursery Seedling Vivian Abney
27 0R. cumberlandenseopdecJohnsonZo Warner Selection Upper Row 10
28 0R. cumberlandenseopdecJohnsonGregory Bald Seedling
29 0R. flammeumopdecJohnsonTissue Culture Jake's Red
30 0R. natural hybridopdecJohnsonWB8 Rosy Pink/ Yellow Blotch Lg Bloom/Truss Zo Warner Selection
31 0R. natural hybridopdecJohnsonStriped Pink Very Fragrant
32 1R. natural hybridopdecJohnsonZo Warner Selection Deep Rose Pink
33 1R. natural hybridopdecJohnsonZo Warner Selection UR1 yellow/ with yellow blotch
34 0R. periclymenoidesopdecJohnsonAvery County Seed Source
35 0R. periclymenoidesopdecJohnsonSeedling grown from Susquehanna River Seed
36 0R. prunifoliumopdecJohnsonEast Fork Nursery Seedling Dark Orange
37 0R. prunifoliumopdecJohnsonDeep Cherry Red
38 0R. prunifoliumopdecJohnsonCalloway Garden Seedling Dark Orange
39 0R. vaseyiopdecJohnsonDark Pinl Zo Warner Selection
40 0Yellow ChoptankopdecJohnson
42 0Choptank RiverFragrant StaropdecMcCorkleMcCorkle Garden
43 0Double OrangeopdecMcCorkleWinding Stair Wayah Bald
44 0MarydelFragrant StaropdecMcCorkleMcCorkle Garden
45 0R. Jenny MaphisopdecMcCorkleaka STR - 36E
46 0R. alabamenseopdecMcCorkleCharlotte Botanical Garden
47 0R. calendulaceumChoptankopdecMcCorkleCharlotte Botanical Garden
48 0R. eastmaniiopdecMcCorkleCharlotte Botanical Garden
49 0R. flammeumopdecMcCorkleCharlotte Botanical Garden
50 0R. periclymenoidesopdecMcCorkleCharlotte Botanical Garden
52 1Admiral SemmesopdecPace
53 1Aromi Sun StruckopdecPace
54 1Aromi Sunny Side UpopdecPace
55 0Aromi SunriseopdecPace
56 0Choice CreamopdecPace
57 0Deni's DelightopdecPace
58 1Earl's GoldopdecPace
59 1Great Balls of FireopdecPace
60 1Gregory Bald Yellow SeedlingopdecPace
61 1Gregory Bald Seedling Brownish YellowopdecPace
62 0Jessie Benton StricklandopdecPace
63 1Kennell's GoldopdecPace
64 0King Red Augie KehropdecPace
65 1Mike Creel Su 92opdecPace
66 1Nacoochee SeedlingopdecPace
67 1Nicole-OopdecPace
68 1Pink CaroselopdecPace
69 1R. austrinum Hot Spur YellowopdecPace
70 1R. austrinum Millie MacopdecPace
71 1R. austrinum Tom Dodd formopdecPace
72 1R. austrinum Don's VarigatedopdecPace
73 0R. cumberlandenseopdecPace
74 0R. cumberlandense Copper Bald Best RedopdecPace
75 0R. flammeum Mt Hort Research StationopdecPace
76 1R. periclymenoidesopdecPace
77 0R. periclymenoides Appalachian SpringopdecPace
78 0R. periclymenoides John Bell SeedlingopdecPace
79 1Ribbon CandyopdecPace
80 1Skinner 068opdecPace
81 1Walter LigonopdecPace
82 0DaphneopevePace
83 1Neptune Holly SpringsopevePace
84 1TrinketopevePace
86 0(Cherokee X Fragrant Star)SOChpdecPerkins
87 0(Cherokee X Fragrant Star)(atlanticum X Fragrant  Star)hpdecPerkins
88 0(R. atlanticum X Fragrant Star)CherokeehpdecPerkins
89 0(R. atlanticum X Fragrant Star)Smokey MountaineerhpdecPerkins
90 0[(My Mary X Marydel) X Fragrant Star]Spring RainbowhpdecPerkins
91 0[(PDP X MM) X Smokey Mountaineer]Spring RainbowhpdecPerkins
92 1AA Ghent 6595Smokey MountaineerhpdecPerkins
93 1Brickdust NOTSmokey MountaineerhpdecPerkins
94 0CherokeeSmokey MountaineerhpdecPerkins
95 0Dawn at the RiverLady RoseburyhpdecPerkins
96 0Dawn at the Riverluteum Golden ComethpdecPerkins
97 0Dawn at the RiverSmokey MountaineerhpdecPerkins
98 0Dawn at the RiverApricot SurprisehpdecPerkins
99 0Dawn at the River Arneson's GemhpdecPerkins
100 0Dawn at the RiverBrickdust NOThpdecPerkins
101 0Dawn at the RiverCherokeehpdecPerkins
102 0Dawn at the RiverMy MaryhpdecPerkins
103 0Dawn at the RiverSpring RainbowhpdecPerkins
104 0Golden Showers OPopdecPerkins
105 0Molten Lava(Skinner 166 X Smokey Mountaineer)hpdecPerkins
106 0Pleasant Progress(Skinner 166 X Smokey Mountaineer)hpdecPerkins
107 0R. atlanticum 67CherokeehpdecPerkins
108 0R. canadense WCcwdecPerkins
109 0R. periclymenoides ‘Paxton's Blue’ OPopdecPerkins
110 0R. prunifolium OPopdecPerkins
111 0Spring RainbowSmokey MountaineerhpdecPerkins
112 0Sweet SeptemberSummer LyrichpdecPerkins
113 0viscosum montanum OPopdecPerkins