‘Corinne Murrah’ [Back Acres]

‘Corinne Murrah’ [Back Acres]

Photo © Carolyn Beck

Cultivar: Group: Color: Blooms: Type: Reg Ref:
‘Corinne Murrah’ Back Acres Pink,Purple Late Midseason Evergreen
Height: Width: Hardy: Other Name(s): Seed Parent: Pollen Parent:
Kagetsu (‘Hazel Dawson’ x R indicum)
4’ tall. Flowers bicolor: deep purplish-pink, shaded darker toward the margins, with a much darker blotch and lighter areas at the center of each petal; some dark pink selfs. Single with oval lobes, 3-3 1/2” wide. Blooms late midseason. Hardy to -5F/Zone 7. ‘Kagetsu’ X (‘Hazel Dawson’ x R indicum).