‘James Scott’ [Klimavicz]

‘James Scott’ [Klimavicz]

Photo © Joe Klimavicz

Cultivar: Group: Color: Blooms: Type: Reg Ref:
‘James Scott’ Klimavicz Pink,Purple,White Late Midseason Evergreen
Height: Width: Hardy: Other Name(s): Seed Parent: Pollen Parent:
3 ft 0°F, Zone 7 ‘Mary Ellen Thomsen’ ‘Florence Waldman’
3’ x 3’ (1 ½’ x 1 ½’ in 5 years), dense. Buds white with deep purplish-pink (N74C) sectors and flecks. Flower white with many deep purplish-pink (N74C) sectors and flecks, and pale yellow-green (157B) throat. Double hose-in-hose, saucer-shaped with 19-24 wavy-edged lobes, 2-3 per head, 2” x 1 ¼” long. Blooms mid-May in Vienna, VA. Calyx absent. Leaves glossy, moderate olive-green (146A) above, hairless. Leaf shape: elliptic, broadly acute apex, cuneate base, flat, 1 ¼” x ½” wide. Plant and bud hardy to 0°F.