‘Special Friendship’ [Stewart]

‘Special Friendship’ [Stewart]

Photo © Carolyn Beck

Cultivar: Group: Color: Blooms: Type: Reg Ref:
‘Special Friendship’ Stewart Purple,Red,White Midseason Evergreen
Height: Width: Hardy: Other Name(s): Seed Parent: Pollen Parent:
2 ft 0°F ‘Asahi Sakigake’ x ‘Margaret Douglas’ = RBS 94-20-1 ‘Easter Morn’
2’ x 3’ wide (3 ¼’ x 4 ¾’ in 17 years), intermediate habit. Flowers light to moderate reddish purple, shading to white at the center of each lobe, with a rose blotch. Hose-in hose with 5+5 wavy-edged lobes, road funnel hose-in-hose with very wavy edges, 3 per cluster; 3”. Blooms heavily, midseason; early May in Springfield, VA. Leaves semiglossy. Leaf shape: elliptic, broadly acute apex, cuneate base, flat-edged. Hardy to 0°F, at least.