‘Li'l Tae’ [Bowie Mill]

‘Li'l Tae’ [Bowie Mill]

Photo © Buck Clagett

Cultivar: Group: Color: Blooms: Type: Reg Ref:
‘Li'l Tae’ Bowie Mill Evergreen
Height: Width: Hardy: Other Name(s): Seed Parent: Pollen Parent:
‘Elsie Lee’ x ‘Dorsett’ ‘Helen Curtis’
3’ x 2 ¼’ wide (2 ¾’ x 2’ in 9 years) dense. Buds deep purplish-pink (68A) at margins, shading to moderate purplish-pink (68C-D) toward the base. Flower inside deep purplish-pink (68A) at margins, shading to moderate and light purplish-pink (68C-D) in center with bright yellow-green base. Flower outside deep purplish-pink (68A) with bright reddish-purple markings on three dorsal lobes. Hose-in-hose with 5 + 5 lobes, and semi-double hose-in-hose with 5 + 5 lobes and 5 petaloid stamens, broad funnel-shape, 2-3 per truss, 2” x 1.4” long. Blooms abundantly midseason; mid-May in Derwood, MD. Leaves semi-glossy,moderate yellow-green (146B) above; Hairs white, very fine, below. Leaf shape: elliptic, broadly acute apex, cuneate base, flat, 1.8” x 0.8” wide. Plant and bud hardy to +2F, at least.