Total number of azaleas: [402]

A    B    C    D    E    F    G    H    I    J    K    L    M    N    O    P    Q    R    S    T    U    V    W    X    Y    Z   
Cultivar: Group: Type: Color: Bloom Time:

Cultivar Group Ref Type Color Bloom Time
‘L'Avenir' = 'Avenir’ ? Indian IRRC04 evg
Unknown IRRC04 unk
‘L'Esperance’ Ghent Galle87 dec
‘L'Etoile de Gand’
('Etoile de Gand')
Indian IRRC04 evg
Hage IRRC04 evg
Indian IRRC04 evg
‘L'Infante Isabelle’
('Infante Isabelle')
Ghent IRRC04 dec
Ghent IRRC04 dec
‘L.H. Paul’
Strickland dec Rose,Yellow Early
‘L.O.M.’ Sonoma Galle85 evg
‘La Belle Helene’
Robin Hill Galle87 evg Pink-Dark,White
‘La Charmante’ Indian IRRC04 evg
‘La Czarine’ Mollis IRRC04 dec
‘La Deesse’ Indian IRRC04 evg
‘La Fraicheur’
Ghent IRRC04 dec
‘La France’
Amoena IRRC04 evg
‘La Geant’ Indian IRRC04 evg
‘La Gloire’
Indian IRRC04 evg
‘La Lumiere’
Gable Galle87 evg Red
‘La Merveilleuse’ 1 Indian IRRC04 evg
‘La Merveilleuse’ 2
Indian IRRC04 evg
‘La Paix’ Aus. & NZ Galle85 evg
‘La Perle’ Kurume Galle87 evg
‘La Premiere’ Gable Galle87 evg Pink-Dark Late
‘La Reine Elizabeth’
('Reine Elizabeth')
Ghent IRRC04 dec
‘La Roche’
Gable Galle87 evg Red Early Midseason
‘La Superbe’ Unknown IRRC04 dec
‘La Superbe’ Indian IRRC04 evg
‘La Surprise’ Ghent Galle87 dec
‘La Surprise’ Indian IRRC04 evg
‘La Tendresse’ Indian IRRC04 evg
‘La Victoire’ 1 Indian IRRC04 evg
‘La Victoire’ 2 Indian IRRC04 evg
‘La Vierge’ Indian IRRC04 evg
‘Labe’ Kavka Galle85 evg
‘Lace Valentine’
('Best White')
KH-Bovee Galle85 dec
‘Lace Valentine’
(\'Best White\')
Bovee-Knaphill IRCC dec White Midseason
Aromi Azalean25:2 dec Pink-Light
('Angustipetalum', augustipetalum , 'Shide Satsuki')
R. indicum Galle85 evg
‘Lackamas Bouquet’ Lancaster Galle85 dec
Lackamus Group Lancaster IRRC04 dec
‘Lacquer’ Glenn Dale Galle85 evg Red,White Midseason
‘Lacteolum’ Indian IRRC04 evg
‘Lacteolum Striatum’ Unknown IRRC04 evg
‘Lacteum Floribundum’ Indian IRRC04 evg
‘Lacteum Plenum’ Indian IRRC04 evg
‘Lacticolor’ Ghent IRRC04 dec
‘Lady Barbara’ Cummins RareFind04 dec Pink
‘Lady Bedford’ Aus. & NZ Galle85 evg
‘Lady Bridges’ Aus. & NZ Galle85 evg
‘Lady Canning’ Indian IRRC04 evg
‘Lady Catherine’ Stewart evg Cream,Green,Pink,Yellow Midseason
‘Lady Constance’ Aus. & NZ Galle85 evg
‘Lady Cynthia Colville’ Exbury Galle85 dec
‘Lady Derby’ Knap Hill Galle85 dec
‘Lady Elphinstone’ Ferndown Galle85 evg
‘Lady Fair’ Kerrigan Galle85 evg
‘Lady Hortense’ Indian IRRC04 evg
‘Lady Hoskins’ Parmenter IRRC04 evg
‘Lady Howard de Walden’ Indian IRRC04 evg
‘Lady Ivor Churchill’ Exbury Galle85 evg
‘Lady Jayne’ EX-Elliott Galle85 dec
‘Lady Lauren’
(HS 86-31-20)
Holly Springs Vines90 evg Pink,Red Late Midseason
‘Lady Liberty’ Kaempferi IRRC04 evg
‘Lady Lilac’ Mucronatum Galle85 evg
‘Lady Louise’
Robin Hill Galle85 evg Pink-Dark Late Midseason
‘Lady Love’ Glenn Dale evg Pink Early Midseason
‘Lady Marmalade’ Carlson IRRC04 dec
‘Lady Mulberry’ Mucronatum Galle85 evg
‘Lady Musgrave’ Indian IRRC04 evg
‘Lady of the Rose’ Mollis Galle87 dec
‘Lady Poltimore’ Belgian Indian Galle85 evg
‘Lady Robin’
Robin Hill Galle85 evg Red,White
‘Lady Rosebery’
('Lady Roseberry')
Knap Hill Galle85 dec Red Midseason
('Lady Locks')
North Tisbury IRRC04 evg Purple Late
‘Laelia’ Ghent Galle85 dec
‘Laelia’ Indian IRRC04 evg
‘Laertes’ Koster IRRC04 dec
‘Laetitia’ Indian IRRC04 evg
‘Lagoon’ Belgian Glenn Dale Galle85 evg Pink-Dark
‘Lake Erie’ Stanton Galle85 evg
‘Lake Michigan’ Stanton Galle85 evg
‘Lake Ontario’ Stanton Galle85 evg
‘Lake St Clair’ Stanton evg
‘Lake St. Clair’ Stanton Galle85 evg
‘Lake Superior’ Stanton Galle85 evg
‘Lakme’ Kaempferi Galle85 evg
‘Lalla’ Hicklin Galle87 evg
‘Lambertus C. Bobbink’
('L. C. Bobbink')
Rutherford Galle85 evg
‘Lambertus Dirkse’
('Lambertus Dirkoe')
Indian IRRC04 evg
‘Lampa’ Kaempferi IRRC04 evg
‘Lanarth’ Williams IRRC04 unk
‘Landon’ Pennington Galle85 evg Magenta
‘Landon Pride’ Miller evg
‘Langley’ Exbury Galle85 dec
‘Langlois Milk Maid’ Occidentale Galle85 dec
‘Langmans’ Intergroup Galle85 evg
‘Lantern Parade’ Coolidge Galle85 evg
‘Lapideoflavescens’ Unknown IRRC04 dec
‘Lapin’ Loblolly Bay Galle87 evg Pink Late
Cultivar Group Ref Type Color Bloom Time